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~your name shall be Zekari 💜

I'm running out of names btw 🤦🏾‍♀️, drop some 🤙🏾

PSA: This shit long af, sorry 😬

"Ight, mama, have a good time. Let me know when it's over."my boyfriend of 4 years, Marcus, said, handing me the front row tickets to The Party Tour that he purchased for my birthday. I looked at him, semi frowning. "Why didn't you get a ticket, Mark? I wanted you to enjoy it with me."I whined. He smiled. "I gotta go set up for your party tomorrow, baby. You go enjoy yourself, alright?"

I took the ticket from him and leaned over the middle part thingy in the car (faceass 💀) to kiss him. "I love you."I said. "I love you more." I smiled, getting out the passenger side, closing the door behind me and began walking towards the building. "Aye!"I heard somebody yell. I turned to see Marcus rolling up on me with his window down, so I stopped walking.

"You better pull that damn dress down before I take yo ass home."he said. I rolled my eyes, pulling it down and continued to walk. "You forgot your crown!"he yelled out, holding it out the window. I took the crown that had "Queen" on it. "And this shit."he said handing me the pink satchel that read "Happy Birthday". There stood a man directing people where to go so I walked up to him. "Just follow the crowd."he directed and I did just that. I walked inside the building then had to go on the escalator up to the second floor where you had to go through the medal detector and they checked your bags.

I stood in line not too long and after going through, since I only brought my phone, I went to two dudes who were checking the tickets. I gave the taller one my ticket and waited for him to scan it. "Damn, front row."he said and I laughed. "You like Chris Brown cuz he lightskin, huh?"the other asked. "He lightskinned and he can sing. Ain't no place for us darkskin brothers."the first dude added (true story, I was shook 💀). He handed me my ticket and I laughed, walking off.

There was a t-shirt stand and I was tempted to go but the prices were like $30+ plus I ain't wanna risk somebody scamming my seat so I just continued walking, past the bathrooms and the food lines, straight to the gates/seating area (idk what you would call it). I walked in my gate and went to the lady who was informing people where their seats were. I gave her my ticket and she scanned it. "You're seated all the way to the right then go down to your number." I nodded and followed her instructions.

Once I sat in my seat, I smiled to myself at the fact that I was actually here and I have a 50% chance of seeing him up close since I was seated right in front of the stage. The actual function started at 8pm but it was only 7:45 and people were still out getting food and whatnot. I couldn't afford to miss anything so I stayed and waited oh so patiently. Even thought I was by myself, I was still happy I was here. "Hi"I heard somebody say. I looked up from my phone and there stood a girl, smiling, with nachos.

"Hello"I smiled back. "Did you come here by yourself, too?"she asked, sitting in the seat next to me. I nodded. "Oh, thank goodness. I was hoping I wasn't the only one. I'm Alicia." "Zekari."I smiled. She scanned my outfit. "Aw happy birthday. You look so pretty."she gushed making me smile harder. "Thank you." "Of course. How old are you?" "21." "Oh, wow. Girl, you are extra young."she laughed. "This is a hell of a way to spend your 21st. Congratulations."she finished, eating her food. "How old are you?"I asked, out of curiosity since she said I was young.

"25." I laughed. "What?"she asked, smiling. "You're young, too. You just said that like you were 30 or something." "I mean, shit. Even if I was, I'd still be in this bitch. He need to come the fuck on, I'm ready to soak this panties, girl."she said, looking around making me laugh harder. "Same, sis." A few minutes later, the lights lowered and so did my heart. Then DC came out and everyone started screaming, including Alicia and I. "What the fuck is up, Atlanta!"DC yelled and the screams continued.

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