The Fight For Her Sisters

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No prov

The boys stare at Buttercup in amazement as she wields her new weapon. They then look at Butch for the same reaction but nothing... he had an emotionless face to protect him and her because if she gets distracted even the slightest bit she'll mess up and it could mean more than losing the battle...

Butch's prov
What the hell is she thinking... she's going to get herself killed! I growl under my breath so no one hears. I then look at Blade who has two blood red swords out and is holding a smirk on his face. 'Katie will beat you! You took her sisters and now you're going to pay!' I scream in my mind then I smirk, 'you are now playing on her home turf.' I look around us and see the plants starting to creep towards her.

"Okay! you know the rules Buttercup!" My head snaps to Buttercup who sighs.

"Blade those stupid rules are not-" but she got cut off.

"Now Buttercup you know you can't cheat with that staff!"

What the fuck is he talking about?

Buttercup then takes her other weapons out: her signature hammer 'God such fond memories!' And she has another weapon I've never seen... a staff? No Buttercup knows something about that weapon that's why he said not to cheat.

She smirked, "I was hoping you didn't know I had it."

"That weapon has done a lot of harm of course I remember it!" He says.

My brothers and I watch silently as she takes the staff but then stabs it into the ground where vines cover it entirely. She then steps away and it becomes a barrier.

"Happy?" She growls.

"Very much so!" He says like a girl.

"Fine then take all of your weapons off you know the rules."

He then strips himself of all his weapons and there are thousands and my brothers eyes and mine go wide. 'Thank god she said something!'

She smirks and then attacks with her scythe and bringing vines out from the ground and they wrap around him and he looks surprised but then he smirks?

Why the fuck is he smirking?

I then see something behind Buttercup.

"Butterfly! Look out!" I yell. But it's too late.

She was attacked by-

Me: cut!

Butch: that was great Maddie!

Buttercup: I agree! But what did I get attacked by?

Me: *smirks devilishly* you'll see

Both: *gulp*

Me: bye guys see you later!

Both: *scared* bye guys! I think the Mad Hatter is actually mad!

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