The girl in the picture...

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I gulp as I walk through my old home where we grew up. We haven't been here in years and we had no reason to but now that we do I'm regretting it. Mojo passed away a long time ago... we've grown up a lot but this place still gives me the creeps.

The I see three different colored doors and I stop dead. They were of me and my brothers signature colors. I walk towards the navy blue door with the fainted chipped paint and open it to reveal the room of a younger boy.

A blue and white bed that hasn't been touched in years, a blue dresser on the far left wall, a black night stand with a picture frame. I walk closer to the picture and pick it up wiping off the dust covering it to reveal two young kids holding each other happily. The picture framed a young boy who smiled like an idiot the beauty of a young girl with blonde curly pigtails who loved blue. And then water fell on it and I realized it was a tear. I missed my bubbles since the day I left.

I place the picture back swearing I'll bring her back and walk out of the room and continue searching.

I place the picture back swearing I'll bring her back and walk out of the room and continue searching

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