The girl he loves

489 12 5

No prov

A second after Blade snaps his fingers a certain girl with black hair appears and she already appears lifeless. They all freeze and look at Butch who has horror written all over his face.

Butch's prov

I freeze in my place as I look at the villain holding a girl... 'Butterfly?' I look at her and her lifeless face. She looks deathly pale and looks to be on the brink of death and if I don't stop it she will be dead. I'm still staring at her and I know my brothers are looking at me with shocked expressions because I'm frozen in horror. Then I hear laughter and my head snaps up anger written all over my face.

"This is amazing!" He says, "really this is adorable! You seem to love this girl and she is going to die! This is perfect!" He says happily.

I guess my powers got a little out of control because the wind screamed and started to whirl around me. I was beyond angry at this point. "What did you just say!" I say in a dark voice as my forest green eyes pierce into his red ones.

"Oh I struck a nerve!"

"Put her down!" I scream. My brothers than look at me as we all float to the ground.

"Oh my dear boy you are in no position to make demands," he says with venom in his voice.

"I said 'PUT MY BUTTERFLY DOWN!'" I roared as the wind blew harsher.

"Oh well what would happen if I were to do this..." he then brings a dagger out and put the blade on Buttercup's arm and cuts her arm while smirking and that's it next thing I know I'm flying full speed until I feel arms hold me back.

"Butch!" Brick yells, "calm down!"

"No he fucking cut her he fucking-" I was cut off by Blast.

"Butch she can handle that but if you attack him he may do worse he wants a reaction!" Blast says calming me down.

Blade's smirk falls, "Damn! I thought I was going to get something interesting!"

"Oh shut the fuck up asshole! The only reason I'm not killing you is because you have her in your arms!" I yell as I point to my Butterfly who is bleeding and doesn't show any pain. "What the fuck did you do to her?" I hiss.

"Oh her? I just made her unable to feel pain but I can stop that so I can watch you suffer,"
he grinned.

Before I could say anything he cut her again and snapped his fingers and an ear piercing scream filled the air and all I could do was stand their watching the scene as it flew by. Her eyes then snapped open and if it was possible all the blood from her face was drained. And her eyes showed so much emotion but the one that stood out was...


What the hell did this guys do to make her scared of him?

Sorry it's short! And I know buttercup is out of character but I liked writing Butch's scene about getting angry!

And I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger! Bye loves!!!

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