The girl with yellow eyes...

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AkiraTakamura1 this is for you

No prov

As the boys split up Blast decided to look through the observation deck of the lab. Blast walked and as he did he saw things were broken which actually made him ask himself Why are things broken?

Blast's prov

Looking around at the broken beakers, telescopes, lights, and pictures I start to ask myself, "what happened here?" I didn't realize I said it out loud until it echoed back at me. I step back and hear a crunch and I look down and see broken glass when I pick up a shard I see it's covered with blood and it's recent too and I smirk, 'Blade made a mistake and it's going to cost him' I look straight ahead with determination on face, 'I'm coming Bash please hold on!'

I close the shard in my fist drawing blood but I didn't flinch because that pain couldn't compare to the pain in my heart and then I see her eyes those bright yellow eyes determined to stay strong and not shed a tear. Those eyes I fell in love with the first time I saw her. I then continue my search until I find a door cracked open with a light coming through and I walk towards it cautiously bringing out my brass knuckles forming into a sword. I look inside and my heart races as I see all five girls sleeping peacefully on the ground and my eyes travel up and my hands tighten around the hilt turning my knuckles white as I see another shapeshifter above them watching them. 'It didn't see me so I was still safe for now but I need to tell the boys.'

I walk back slowly and then take off towards the living room looking for my brothers and when I arrive I see all of them waiting silently. I run to them and pant heavily, "GUYS!" I whisper yell.

Brick looks at me, "we're leaving I was wrong they aren't here."

"They are," I say and all their faces break into smiles except Brick and Butch.

"Where," Butch growls.

I gulp, "observation deck they are in a room with a shapeshifter."

"Lets go we know where they are we should go to them," Boom says eagerly.

"It's not that easy Boom it may be a trap," Bryan states and that makes us all go silent until I speak up.

"He's right I didn't see Blade but none of us have right?" I look around and they all nod, "we should grab the girls and get the out of here and when Blade comes let's give him a run for his money!"

"The girls couldn't beat him what if we can't?" Bryan asks.

"Then we die trying," Butch answers.

"We also have something to fight for our girls only fought for the city we are fighting for more," Brick adds.

"Because to put it in simple terms we love them and would do anything to protect them," Boomer finishes.

Me and Bryan look at each other and give one nod of confirmation and look at them, "what's the plan?" We say together.

The boys smile, "we can't discuss it in here let's go outside." Brick says and we all walk out silently until we are out side.

Me: I am so so so sorry it's late but this is the chapter many of us were waiting on!

Butch: finally we are going to get the girls! *pumps his fist I'm the air*

Brick: Maddie what do you have planed for us? *looks at me confused*

Me: not telling but you guys are going to rock! *smirks*

Blast: where's blade though? *raises an eyebrow*

Brick: yeah where was he? *looks at me confused*

Butch: probably being a chicken! *laughs*

Boomer: I wouldn't count on it *walks in*

Me: boomers right you guys aren't done yet

Bryan: we can do this don't worry! *gives a cheesy smile*

Me: *giggles* okay okay *smiles* thank you guys for waiting and next chapter will be posted shortly

RRBZ: thanks for the reads! And thank you hatter for finally updating! *claps*

Me: thank you guys so much! Bye loves!

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