The Deamon's Deal

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Mable ran through the feramaid floating up on the sky. Her and the other members of the Cipher wheel went there to rescue ford and use the cipher wheel to stop him and weirdmegedon, but after they found and unfroze Ford, Bill showed up. He started attacking them and Mabel was separated from them and was now being chased by Bill.

"SHOOTING STAR, YOU CANT RUN FOREVER" Bill yelled as he chased her through the halls, firing kill shots at her and just barley missing. Mable ignored him while dodging the hits and kept running. If I can just find Dipper, we can end this. I just need to keep running. 

The walls passed as blurs and she almost tripped a few times, but was able to stay just ahead of the very angry demon chasing her. However, the longer she ran, the more she was lost. Eventually she had no idea what direction Dipper was even in. It was like a maze, and she was caught in the middle. She kept running though, to escape Bill, who was now closing in on her. He fired another shot, and to avoid it, she dodged to the left, running down another hallway, but she then stopped dead in her tracks/

"Shit" she thought out loud as she came to a dead end.

"Well well well, if it isn't shooting star." Mable's heath stopped and she started to panic. She knew she couldn't escape from him now. There was no where to go. Slowly and fearfully, she turned around to face him and tried to hide the fear in her voice. 

"What do you want Cipher" she spat out.

"Oh shooting star" he smirked  and walked closer. "Don't you see. I already got what I wanted. Weirdmegedon is global now that your pathetic twin told me the code to breaking down the barrier. And once I kill your family, nothing will stop me"

No, Mabel thought, He's going to kill them. "No!" Screamed Mable. "You can't kill them!"

"Oh really. And what's going to stop me. You?" Bill chuckled at his own joke. And Mable knew he was right. She couldn't stop him. Unless... "I think I'll just go kill them now and get it out of the way," Bill left as he flew out to kill them. 

"Wait!" Yelled Mable. And to her surprise he did. "I want to make a deal" that got his attention.

"A deal?" He said as he turned around and floated back to the ground. He walked closer to her until she was up against the wall and he almost on top of her. "What do you propose shooting star?"

She looked up at him and tried to sound as confident as she could with an all powerful demon towering over her. "You will let my family go. Along with the other members of the Cipher circle."

"And what will I get? You don't exactly have anything I particularly want"

Shit, what could I give him. I don't have anything. Besides, " You get me for what ever you want." 

Bill pondered this a moment. Having shooing star as his personal slave might not be such bad thing. Well, he could have her as his slave and still kill the Pines, but this was much more interesting. No one ever wanted to make deals with him. Unless they were truly desperate. And if Shootingstar was this desperate, there was one more thing he wanted.

"Ok shooting star. I accept you deal. But with one more condition." he finally backed up off her a little, giving her room to breath

"What else do you want?"

"Well, your deal involves me not harming anyone on the cipher wheel, and you see, those people are the only ones who can stop me."

"Yes, and?" Mabel took a step back

"Well, I can't let them all live" he laughed at this

"That's my only deal" Mabel said, going some confidence

"Do you think I give a damn about your deal!" he yelled making her flinch and his eyes turned red out of anger. "One of them has to die so that I can't be stopped. Someone besides you. I'll even let you pick" he laughed at this. How am I supposed to pick someone to die? I can't do that. Its a terrible decision to make.

"I can't choose" I shook my head, eyes glued to the floor

"Then everyone dies" his tone darkened and he turned to leave

"Wait! No!" his head spun back around

"Then pick!" he yelled coming back to me. I thought for a moment

"Just, just don't kill Dipper." he smirked and walked closer. He gripped both my shoulders and pinned me to the wall. 

"If you don't pick someone in the next ten seconds, I'll pick for you, and make you kill them yourself" tears started pouring down my face. How am I supposed to make this choice?

"O-okay, I choose..."

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