I can't

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Mable's POV

He left. And I stood their. Stunned. What the... I couldn't think. I still felt his lips on mine. I just stood there for a few minutes thinking about that. Then I sat down and started crying. I couldn't do this anymore. I wouldn't be able to last an eternity with this type of torture. It was killing me. I can't love him. He's a demon. He can't love me. Can he? Does he? I threw my head back and continued sobbing for about a half an hour.
"Shooting star" I shot my head up and jerked back "are you okay" he looked concerned for me. I just shook my head. "What wrong" he knelt down next to me.
"Everything!" I blurted out and continued sobbing again. He just sat there not knowing how to comfort me.
"Mable" I looked at him. He said my name. It sounds so weird to hear him say my name.
"What do you mean 'everything'." He cupped my chin and I flinched away "i'm sorry" he said "I don't want you to be afraid of me" I jut looked down and wrapped my hand around the scars on my arm.
Bill sighed "shooting star. I'm so sorry." He paused. "You know, you never answered my question."
"Do you like me?"
"I did answer" I said with my gaze on the floor
"'I don't know' doesn't count" I bit my lip. Shit.
"Shooting star?"
Yes I thought
"No" I said nearly crying. Bill looked like someone just slapped him across he face
"Well" bill looked down then stood up "then i'm sorry for the kiss. I thought you felt the same way" he said bitterly and turned and walked out of the room and I started crying again. What am I going to do?

Bill's POV

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed destroying another building. What was this my 15th 16th one? Who fucking cares anymore. While I enjoyed my rampage the other demons were tormenting some of the humans. I stopped feeling pity for them soon after shooting star decided she didn't like me.
"Ugggg" I groaned setting fire to the river. Hey, my dimension my rules. Whatever. It's not like I expected shooting star to ever fall for me. With all the horrible things I did to her. The only thing that sucks is that I did fall for her. I fell hard
"Bill?" I jerked my head around to see Pyronica standing there "what's wrong?"
"Ahahahah!" I gave a convincing laugh "what am I not allowed Togo out and cause a little destruction" I cheered and the others joined in. Pyronica didn't look convinced but she dropped it and we went back to our little rampage. But I kept thinking back to shooting star she said yes in her mind. She wanted to say yes. Why didn't she? Is she scared of me? Does she hate me? I sighed. I knew the answer. And I knew there was only one thing I had to do. I turned and teleported back to the fearamid outside of her room. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

Mable's POV

I sobbed. And sobbed. And sobbed until I felt like I couldn't cry any longer. I had wanted to say yes so much, but I couldn't. How can I trust him. He's manipulating me. Using me for his sick twister entertainment. Right? I eventually realized how tired I was and changed into something more comfortable and climbed into bed. The pillow felt soft on my tear stained face. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. The thoughts were spinning in my head and honestly, I wanted him here. With me. But I cou-
*knock knock*
My thought was interrupted by a knock at the door. I tentatively answered.
"Yes?" I said but it was more of a squeak.
"Shooting star can I come in?"
Do I have a choice? "Ya, it's open" I said. Not like it mattered. I'm sure he could get in even if I locked it. I jumped out of bed and stood there as he walked in and shut the door behind him. I saw his eyes looked red. Was he angry. I was instantly scared. Bill angry was never a good thing.
"You don't have to be scared. I'm not going to hurt you" He must have noticed my flinch. Not like it mattered. It doesn't matter what he says. I'll always be scared of him.
"Shooting star?" He said probably ignoring the thought I know he heard
"Do you want to go home?" My expression dropped. What, g-go home? Is this a trick? "Not a trick shooting star." I just stared at him.
"What about my family, will they still be protected?"
"Our deal will still stand, you will have just fulfilled your part." I was shocked. He was offering to take me home. Something I never thought he would do. Do I want to go? Well, YES! But then there was bill. No! I don't like him. Well, that was a lie, but maybe if I left it would be easier to tell myself that lie.
"Yes" I answered.
"Okay then. This is good bye" he walked over and hugged me. And to my, and his, surprise, I hugged back. He let go and snapped his fingers. And I stood out side the mystery shack.

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