Broken Barriers

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Mable's POV

After a half hour or so Bill finally left. He had cut marks and symbols all over my back. I think it might have been the cipher wheel but there was so much blood and it was behind me so I couldn't tell.
He never bothered to come back and wrap it up like he had with my arms. Not that it mattered what with me being immortal now
"Ugg" I groaned out loud. How could this happen to me. I have to stay strong. For dipper. For Stan and ford. For Wendy and everyone else. Dipper. Dipper. I repeated his name in my head. I was going to do this for him.

Dipper POV

Back at the shack we had gathered everyone we could from the town. In all we had about one hundred people here but that was only a slight percentage of the population. We couldn't risk going further then gravity falls to the rest of the world. The shack was the only safe place to be with fords unicorn protection.
Though it had t been very long, everyone here had a job to do. Whether is was getting food. Maintaining electrical supplies like the heat and the lights. Expanding the underground lab to fit more people and supplies. We were small and had limited recourses, but it was the start to our rebellion. We would need to build it up quickly if we wanted to stay alive.
"Ford" I said "where do you want these plant samples?"
"In the cabinet 2P. Thanks dipper"
"Sure" I was fords apprentice. I guess I did end up staying in gravity falls like he wanted. Just not the circumstances we thought it would be.
Our main objective of the rebellion that we had barley started was to take down bill. But I had another plan. I was going to get Mable back no matter what. I didn't care if we took down Bill or not, I just needed her back. I hope she's alright up- my thought was interrupted as the shack shook.
"Get everyone underground now Dipper" I ran upstairs
"Everyone down in the lab now" they all started for the basement.
"What's going on?" Asked Wendy as she ran towards me.
"I don't know." We got to the basement after everyone else was down there.
"Ford what's causing this?"
"Some of bills henchmaniacs are out there"
"They can't get past the barrier right?" Asked Wendy
"Well" thought Ford "they shouldn't be able to but this is bills dimension now. His turf his rules"
"So what's going to-" I was cut off as the shack stoped shaking. Everyone stayed quiet for a few minutes barely even breathing in fear of making noise. Finally Ford spoke up
"I'll go see what happened" he left I followed him while the rest stayed put. Once we got up we saw that the barrier had been destroyed, but the demons left.
"Why would they do this" I asked "they could have come in and killed us all"
"I don't know. They left us vulnerable but unharmed." I watched the fearamid in the distance watching he demons fly back and wondering how Mabel was doing.
"I guess" said Ford "that bill is actually making good on his deal with Mable"
"But we're not even sure if that's what happened"
"It what we have to assume"
"But we can't leave ourselves  vulnerable"
"No we can't. We'll have to figure out a way to recreate the barrier. But him destroying it means one of two things" I looked at ford on curiosity "either he's doing it to scare us"
"Which it did" I mumbled
"Or he thinks Mable will break her side of the deal and he's getting ready for it"
"I wouldn't blame her. I can't believe she did that for us. She must be so scared"
"Have faith in her. Your sisters strong. Stronger then we think. She'll find a way. To save herself and everyone else. She always does"
"Yeah" I said as we walked back into he shack

Bills POV

"We did it sir" said eight ball
"The barrier is destroyed?"
"Good" i chuckled "what was it like, ya know what did they do"
"Ha!" Said teeth "it was hilarious. They were screaming and running underground like it would help. We could have killed them all in one blow if we wanted to"
"Ya" said eight ball "why did you tell us not to bill?"
"Because my loyal henchmaniacs. I made a deal. One I don't intend to break so long as she doesn't break her side. But I read her thoughts and it won't be long before she snaps so I figured we should get ready for when she does" I laughed at my own sick joke "besides. It's much more fun to see her scared to loose her family then to see her sad about it."
"I bet it is bill" eight ball replied
"Now go" said bill "party rampage conquer what ever you want. This is our dimension now boys!"
Eight ball and teeth turned and left laughing on the way out about the humans they would torture and kill. Such loyal henchmaniacs I thought.
"I should go visit shooting star" I thought out loud. Torturing her and cutting her was getting boring though. Maybe it's time for something else. I smirked at my own terrifically horrid idea and left to see shooting star.

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