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Dippers POV

I decided to go check on Mable and see if she was awake yet. I made my way up the stairs to the attic. When I got to the door I put my hand on the handle, but hesitated. I heard her crying. Shit I thought. I backed up debating on whether or not to go in. Does she want to be alone. Does she need me. I debated it in my mind for a while until I felt the handle test and the door opened.

Mable's POV

I finally stopped crying after a while. I didn't know what I was going to do though. This choice should be easy! If someone had asked me a few months ago "do you wanna live with your family or a deranged psychotic demon" i would have chosen my family without hesitation. But, Bill. Dammit why do I miss him. Why do I like him?
"Ugggg" I continued to sob. I needed to get out of this attic. I was hungry and needed to see dipper. Even if I couldn't tell him, he might make me feel better. I got up out of bed and walked over to he door. As I opened the door I was wondering where he would be- I looked up and he was standing in the door frame
"Hi" he said with a light smile
"Hey" I smiled back
"Are you feeling better"
"Yeah" I lied. It didn't look like he bought it, he probably heard me crying, but I didn't care. "So, did you need something?" I asked changing the subject
"Oh, um yeah. Ford wants to talk to you if your feeling up to it. If not you can have more time to rest, it's just everyone's getting anxious to see you."
"Yeah, I know. I'll some down. I just need a few more minutes to, um" stop crying "wake up" I lied again.
"Ok" dipper said about to leave
"Wait" he looked back "Can you stay with me?" I asked nervously. Why was I nervous. He's my brother
"Of course" we walked back into the room we used to share. It's weird, really. Memories of golf and sleepovers and staying up all night doing stupid stuff as kids. All of that was gone now. Forever. We would never get our child hood back.
"Hey Mable" dipper broke me from my thoughts
"What were you crying about?" I looked away and bit my lip.
"I uh, I had a nightmare." Well it wasn't really a lie, I did have a nightmare.
"Oh, i'm sorry"
"It's fine" I said more confidently than I felt. "I'm used to it by now" dipper looked down at the floor.
"I can trust you, right" I was caught off guard by that, I mean, I just didn't expect him to say that
"Of course"
"Ok. I'm sorry, i just, since weirdmagedon started, I don't know who to trust, and Ford has only grown more distant and less trusting. It's been hard with out you, the only person I always knew I could trust. The person I know I can always trust" I felt a knot in my stomach after that. He can still trust me right, it's not like i'm betraying them, i'm just leaving out a minor detail. Minor. I just looked up and smiled
"Ya, I trust you to"
"Awkward sibling hug?"
"Awkward sibling hug" I replied as we hugged.
"Pat pat"

"Alright. I'm ready to go"
"Ok" we walked out of the attic and down to Ford. Luckily no one was down there. I really didn't want to talk to a lot of people right now. I was hopping Ford would be quick. What did he want? Probably information on Bill or something. Would I give any to him though? We walked into the lab and I saw Ford covering something up with a tarp and walking over to me.
"Mable!" He exclaimed while giving me a hug
"Grunkle Ford!" I hugged him back
"How are you?"
"Better then before" well not really but-
"Good! I have some questions for you then"
"Like what"
"Well for starters, why and how the hell are you immortal"
"Bill wanted an eternal slave. So he carved these spells into me and ya, I don't really know how it works"
"Ok" Ford said thinking "thank makes sense but what about letting you go? Why would he do that?"
"Hell if I know" I lied. And I think he could tell by the look on his face. God dammit.
"Mable" he said more sternly
"Yes" I looked away
"Why did he let you go?" He re-asked
"I. Don't. Know." I stated "he just did"
Ford sighed obviously not satisfied with that answer.
"Mable" dipper spoke up "if there's something else, we need to know. He have to have a fighting chance if we're going to stop him"
"What!" I was done "You think you can stop him! The only fucking reason your still alive, is because I basically sold my soul to the devil!"
"Mable I-"
"No! You think i'm keeping some big secret from you, you think I've come to kill you? Is that it" I was screaming at this point
"No Mable" dipper rejected "we just need to know all the details. We need a weakness to exploit." I looked away "Mable, please. We need to stop him. Anything, anything at all. Do you know any of his weaknesses."
"No" and with that I turned and left back to the attic.

Dippers POV

Mable stormed off and I felt like a piece of shit.
"Ugggg" I sat down and pulled my face to my hands.
"It's ok dipper" Ford put a hand on my shoulder. It's not your fault"
"Yeah, it kinda is"
"No. It's bill's fault. Now we have to fix her from whatever he did" I didn't respond. I just thought about Mable.
"I'm going to go talk to her"
"Ok dipper." I started to leave "Dipper wait!" I looked back "I think it's best not to tell her about the gun" I glanced over to the tarp, it was covering something me and Ford had been working on. And it might actually work.  A way to kill Bill.
"Got it Ford" I said bluntly and went up the stairs to see Mable.

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