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Mable's POV

I was stunned the entire time, i couldn't move. Shit shit shit this was a terrible idea, fuck i'm going to die. Everything was going so fast, Bill swooping down and saving me, what Pyrinica was saying, it was all to much. Before i knew it Bill teleport me to what I thought was his room. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and walked away. I pushed my back against a wall and slid down, attempting to calm my breathing.

"Th-thank y-y-you" I said shakily. He turned around and realized how scared I was. He rushed over and knelt down next to me.

"Shootingstar are you okay?"

"I-I just, I just n-need" i couldn't get the words out.

"Mable" he said sternly griping my shoulders. i looked up at him. His face was inches from mine. "Its okay, your safe now. I'm never going to let any of them hurt you" I nodded

"O-Okay" I jumped up and hugged him, then started crying

"Its okay. Your safe now. Nothing can hurt you here" He picked me up and walked over to the bed and sat me down on it. We both sat on the bed looking at each other. I was finally starting to calm down.



"Why are you here?"

"What do you-"

"your supposed to be safe back at the shack. Why did you come back?" I looked up at him

"Because I lied to you" He just stared at me but I could have sworn i saw something light up in his eyes "When you asked me if i liked you..."


"The answer is, yes" i smiled up at him and he smiled to. he reached out and pulled me in for a hug. it felt so good to be in his warm embrace. I've never felt protected until now. With that, we fell back on the bed, and I dosed off to sleep.

Bill's POV

AGGHGHHGGHGGHGHG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE CAME BACK, SE DOES LOVE ME!!!!!! Ok calm the fuck down Cipher. I held her in my arms. She was exhausted and asleep before i could say I love you.

"I love you" I whispered to her. Then I gently let go of her and pulled the covers on her and walked out of the room towards the throne room. I felt bad for leaving her, but  had to take care of Pyronica. I didn't know what she was planning, but underestimating her is a bad idea. Especially right now that the world is newly taken over. Plus, she knows my weakness. Shootingstar. Not that mattered. Anyone who lays a finger on her will BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY. I smiled at the thought. I was about to turn the corner, but i heard whispering. It was eight ball and that guy with the faces. I listened in.

"Eightball, we need to do this"

"We can't, we, um, were not strong enough"
"Yes we are, if we all come together, we can push Bill off the throne."
"Then who rules? Pyronica?"
"Its better then Bill ruling. Come on, you saw him today. He's weak, grown soft. Cares about a human. We can't have him representing us to the demon world. Its time we-" I stepped out of the corner

"Time for what?" I spat. The demons were terrified.

"B-b-bi-bill" They stuttered. I grabbed the guy with all the faces and threw him against the wall, griping his throat. he fought against it but it was no use.

"Eightball" i said calmly looking back at him while i the other demon was struggling and gasping for air

"Y-Y-Yes?" he managed

"Do you think I've gone soft" I asked pushing harder into the demons throat

"N-No. Of course not" The demon in my grip stopped struggling. When i let go he fell limp to the ground and stayed there. I turned to face Eightball.

"Good. now i need a favor"

"If you hear any demon mention treason against me, you will report them to me so I can, take care of it" Eightball gulped and looked behind me and the dead demon.

"Y-yes Bill"

"Good. Now get out of here" Eightball ran out of the room. i snapped my fingers and the body was gone. "Uggggg, this is worse then I thought." I continued my way to the throne room. When i walked in, everyone was in there. They all went silent the moment i walked in and watched me go to my throne. Well thats not suspicious at all. I thought sarcastically. I sat down.

"Where is Pyronica" i yelled. The demons all looked away, not facing me. UGgggg

"I'm right here bill" she said in her usual much to cheery voice

"Pyronica, get out of my dimension" i spat

"huh" she pretended to be offended "Why would you kick me out?"

"Evidence of treason"

"I would never" I growled and shot a ball of fire at her, sending her crashing to the wall.

"Traitor!" she looked up at me and smirked. i looked at the rest of the demons "Get her!" i yelled to them. No one moved. "DID YOU NOT HERE ME?" I shouted. They flinched. "GET. HER" I yelled again.

"Now now" Pyronica spoke up "Either follow a weak leader like Bill, or follow someone stronger, like me" she smirked. The demons looked up to her, then back at me

"Any one who follows Pyronica will DIE" I yelled. But it was too late, she had won them to her side. I brought my flamed engulfed hands above my head "YOU DARE DEFY ME?" My voice growing demonic. The others prepared for attack. Even eightball. Well fuck you to. I started firing at them and they fought back. I am the most powerful demon ever, but seriously, it was like 1 vs 100. I snapped my fingers and teleported back to my room.

"Shootingstar!" she was up with her ear against he door

"Bill! Whats going on?"

"The demons are betraying me"

"What? What would they do that?

"Because there assholes" I spat. She flinched and then was silent for a moment

"Bill, is it because of me?" She asked quietly. I sighed and looked at her

"Remember what i told you" i sad taking her hands "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you" she looked up and smiled at me. and with that, my door was busted down. Pyronica stood there with a few other demons. Shit.

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