Can you stop me?

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Bill's POV

I leaned in and kissed her. Holy shit!!!! At first she seemed surprised and caught off guard, but then she kissed me back. I held her in my arms and made myself a promise, I would never let anyone hurt her. We kissed for five minutes before I felt something. Shit, what was that? I pulled back and noticed the blue flame around me. Someone was summoning me. This shouldn't be possible. I looked back at shooting star who was staring at me in wonder and confusion.
"Mable dear" I cupped her face "I have to go but I will be ba-" I was pulled away before she even got a chance to nod. Who could possibly be summoning me. No one should be able to since I rein over this dimension. As reality started to form around me, I instantly recognized where I was. It was a little renovated and more bunker like, but I'd recognize that old shack anywhere.

Dippers POV

"Dipper!" Ford yelled over he loud noise "stabilize the machine now or we'll all blow to bits"
"I got it" I said running to the control panel trying to figure out what went wrong. "Ford what percent should I turn the power to?"
"Just do it dipper, this is our only chance!" I nodded and turned up the machine while trying to stabilize it. We had been working on a machine that could generate enough power to warp the dimension and bring Bill here, it took a while but Ford had confidence in this one.
"Dipper get back!" I looked up and saw a bright blue light. Shit it's working. I ran to Ford.
"What do we do when he gets here?"I asked him
"I- I don't know"
"Well I didn't think it would work" he said grabbing journal #3. He frantically flipped through the pages. I grabbed #2 and did the same thing. What if...
"Ford, could this work?" I asked showing his the page
"It, could" he said nervously. There was a blinding light. A figure started to appear. "Were out of time. We'll have to try it."
Bill speared in front of them
"Huh" he huffed "I should have known. The pines. Who else would be dumb enough to try to summon me."
I stared at bill, losing the words in my mouth. That fucking demon took my sister. I will get her back.
"Will you pine tree?" bill replied to my thoughts. "Do you really think you can stop me" he laughed. I glanced at Ford. It was now or never. Quickly I lunged at him tackling him to the ground, catching him off guard long enough to allow Ford to run to our weapon.
"REALLY?" Bill yelled clearly annoyed "THATS YOUR BIG IDEA" he pushed me off with enough force to send me flying. I hit the wall and broke my arm. Shit. That hurt. I looked up and saw bill get up ready to charge at Ford but stopped when he saw the memory gun in his hands. I think I almost saw fear in his eyes. Almost. Ford pulled the trigger and cipher went down. Ford ran over to me and we walked over to the demon laying on the floor.
"Ford, did it work?" I asked nervously while clutching my arm
"I don't-" He was Bill. He opened his eyes to reveal blood red behind them. He got up and towered over us with flames coming from each hand
"YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME? WITH A MEMORY GUN" he laughed and smirked, the flames ding down but his eyes staying red. "Don't you know the first rule of using a memory gun is the target had to have a soul?"
Well fuck that didn't work
"No shit pine tree" Bill snapped. He then laughed. "What could possibly make you humans so gums as to try singing like that"
"I want my sister back cipher" I said trying to hide the pain/fear in my voice.
"Well pine tree, that's not going to happen. She made a deal with me, as I assume you already figured out." I glanced at Ford who was glaring at Bill "so if I give her back now I would have to break my side of the deal, which keepers you meat sacks safe. That deal with your sister is the only thing keeping me from tearing you apart limb from limb." Bill practically growled at the last part. "So do your selfs and shooting star a favor and don't try singing like this again, or it will be her who pays the price"
"No!" I screamed almost lurching at him.
"Dipper shush" Ford grabbed me good arm and help me back Bill laughed.
"I think I'll go pay shooting star a visit right now" with that he disappeared. I fell to my knees. Mable no. Ford ran over to get the medical kit and started to put my arm in a splint
"Agh. Ford?" I asked
"Yes dipper?" Ford seemed to want to burry himself in work
"Will we ever see her again?" I tried to hold back tears failing miserably
"I, I don't know" we sat there in silence while he worked on my arm. Mable

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