A dress?

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Mable's POV

I woke up to a soft warm feeling. I was no longer on the corse cold cement of my cell, but in a warm bed. I sat up to see that I was in a completely different room. The room itself looked like a room of luxury. There was one window with a triangle and one eye, and two doors. Which were both probably locked. Everything in the room looked fancy, except for me. My hair was a mess and I was covered in my own dried blood. But my back had healed. The bed I slept in not had blood all over it. Of well for that i thought.
I looked over to my right to see a nightstand with a glass of water and a note. I lifted the glass to take a sip then picked up the note.

Shooting Star,
There in a bathroom in the door to your right. Go clean up and put on the out fit I left in there before I get back.

I stared at the note for a while. I was confused and tired. Why was I in a nice room instead of my cell, and why was a getting to clean off. I brushed off the thought and just assumed it was a trick to get me to lower my guard. I got up and went to do what I was told for fear of what would happen if I didn't.

The bathroom was equally as nice, with a large shower filled with soap, shampoo, and conditioner. I stripped down and jumped in. The water never felt better. I began to work at the blood. Scrubbing it off section by section only to reveal my new scars, which seemed to be more visible now. Once all the blood was off, which took for ever, I started to comb out my hair, brushing at it slowly trying not to rip it. I started to hum the lyrics to a song softly. It was one dipper and I would always sing together. Dipper, I miss you.
Once I was done cleaning off I hoped out of the shower to and dried off. I looked at my back in the mirror. I was right it was a cipher circle, along with some other symbols, that was scared on my back.
Once I was dry I looked for the outfit the note said was in here. I found it hanging behind the door, and immediately hated it. A dress? Really?It was a short, black, skin tight dress with long sleeves. Hanging up with it was a choker that had a yellow triangle charm. I really didn't want to put it on but what were my options. Go back in my blood stained cloths?
Reluctantly I slipped in the dress and put the choker on. When I walked out of the bathroom, bill was in the room waiting for me.

Bill's POV

"Master" I looked down from my throne to see pyronica "what would you like us to do for the party?"
"I don't care. Just make it big loud and fun!" I snapped trying to hide the edge to my voice
"Yes sir" she said before running out. Uggggg I groaned internally. I'm so bored Shooting star took for ever to wake up and now she's taking forever to get ready. At this rate eternity might as well be over. I got up to go check and make sure she wasn't stalling.
I walked in to see that she had gotten out of bed, which was covered in her blood, and gotten in the shower. I snapped my fingers and cleaned the bed of any blood and made it. I headed the water running from the presumably warm shower shooting star was taking. But that's not all I heard.
La da da da da hmm la da da da da
Shooting star was singing in the shower. I laughed to myself. Humans were so odd, and yet it sounded pretty. I neared the water shut off and her humming stop. It took her about five more minutes to get dried and dressed before she came out and saw me.
"Ah!" She jumped back startled at my "Bi-Master"
"Why hello shooting star. Have a nice shower?" She nodded her head "you sounded like you were having fun with all your singing." She tired a dark cherry red and looked away. "Haha! Don't be embarrassed." I walked towards her and smirked "you look great in that" she looked up at me. Confusion in her eyes.
Why is he being moderately nice to me. Where are the chains, knifes, threats to my family's safty?
"Because shooting star, I've found other ways to torture you."
"Is this dress one of them" she said ignoring the fact that I read her mind, even though I know she hated it
"Not intentionally but sure. Why not" I chuckled and smirked  at that looked back at shooting star. She looked so scared and so uncomfortable. I walked closer to her and leaned down and whispered in her ear
"Are you ready to go?"
"Go where"
"To the party of course" I said holding out an arm to take "why else would I have you get all dressed up?" She stared at my arm as if to ponder whether or not to take it.
"Come on Mable. I won't hurt you, for now" her head shot up and looked at me
"Y-you said my name?"
"Yes I guess  I did. now come on. Let's go" she took my arm and I led her to the party.

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