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Bill's POV

Fuck! My powers!  knew this bitch would try to pull something like this

"No Bill don't!" Shootingstar screamed but I ignored her. Pyronica pulled back harder on her chains but dropped the knife a little.

"Shut up!" she pulled the chains so she couldn't move. Shootingstar winced but kept her gaze on me

"Fine" I gritty my teeth. "But on one condition"

"Which is?"

"You let her and the other humans go. Unharmed" Pyronica thought about this for a moment 

"Okay, deal" she laughed. I held out my hand for her to shake. She just looked at it. "What? My word isn't good enough" she said with a fake innocent voice.

"No" I plainly stated. If I didn't shake on this deal, she would go back on it imminently. Shaking on it would cause the deal to last until broken. "My powers for the humans safety." Doing it this way would make it almost impossible to get my powers back. Unless she hurt one of the humans. 

"Uggg" she growled "fine" she grabbed my hand and shook it, pink and blue flames mixing together. This was the first time I ever was truly powerless. And it sucked. The chains imminently fell off of shootingstar and were put on me. I didn't try to fight it. Shootingstar was safe, and that was what mattered. 

"Bill, what are you doing?!" Shootingstar tried to run over to me but Pyronica grabbed her and stopped her. 

"Not so fast sweetie"

"Ahg, let go of me" she struggled against her grip and fell back when Pyronica suddenly let go

"Now, get out of my fearamid" Shootingstar looked at her, then at me. She had tears in her eyes

"Go" I whispered to her. She didn't move "now" I said sternly but still soft. She got up slowly then ran out of the room, grabbing her gruncles gun. Yes I thought Noe she might have a- my thoughts were interrupted by  Pyronica kicking me to the ground. 

"Ow" I growled 

"Look at you bill" she said giving me another kick "You've never been so powerless" she laughed with pure hate in her voice "How does it feel?"

"Ug" I ground and rolled over and tried to stand up "Well, its not so- ahg - bad" Pyronica hit me mid sentence

"And why is that" she asked grabbing my chin so I was looking at her

"Because, I'm still smarter then you" I pulled one of the smaller guns out of my shirt and hit her with it. 

"Ahg" she screamed. With her increased power, it would hurt, but barley stun her. But it was enough to make my escape. I ran out the door and started running to find Shootingstar. I knew I needed to let her get out first, incase my plan didn't work. Her safety came first. Her life came first. 

Mable's POV

I ran out of the room practically in tears, but not before picking up the gun Bill had brought. I didn't trust the deal Pyronica made, so it wouldn't hurt to have a little protection. I ran down the halls and tried to find a way to escape. As I rounded the corner, I saw something that I wouldn't even let my self hope was true.

Dipper. He was with Ford. I ran up to him "Dipper!" he turned around and saw me

"Mable? Oh my god, Mable!" I ran into his arms and he held me close "Mable, oh my god, Mable I'm so glad you're ok" I started crying into his shirt

"Dipper, I-i'm s-s-so sorry" 

"No, its ok. I'm just glad you're safe. Its ok. You're ok. I'm here" he kept comforting me, but then we pulled away. "We need to get out of here, now"

"Wait" Ford said "Where's bill?" I just shook my head

"He's not coming"

"Oh come on Shootingstar, you didn't think id give up that easy" I whipped around to see a tall man standing behind me 

"Bill!" I yelled and ran up to him. He pulled me in to a hug. "You're ok! Wait, how did you escape?" I looked up at him

"Aww, come on. You know I'm the smartest being there is" I laughed a little then he pulled me in for a kiss. His lips felt warm, and safe. One hand was in the small of my back, and the other in my hair. I could have stayed like this forever, but-

"Ahhem" Dipper fake coughed behind us to get us to stop "Are we leaving now?" I pulled away from him and turned to Dipper. 

"Yeah, lets go"

"Wait," Ford said. "We have the gun, can't we kill that she demon?"

"No" Said Bill "I made a deal that gave her all my powers and guaranteed Shootingstar's safety and all of your's"

"So, we can't kill her?" Dipper asked

"No." said Ford "That gun wouldn't have been powerful enough to kill you cipher, but her powers and yours, its impossible"

"Fords right" Bill said grabbing my arm "We need to get out of here" he started walking away with me. I didn't object and the others started following me. "Ok, just around this corner we can escape out the bottom, alright everyone, just follow me-" Bill was cut off as we rounded the corner and saw that bitch standing there. 

"Well, Bill, I must say, that was quite a plan" she said sarcastically and laughed "But I'm afraid you can't leave."

"And why is that?" he growled making me flinch a little

"The deal was to let them go" she motioned to us. "Not you, Bill" Bill stood there for a few seconds, then started to walk towards her

"Fine" he said in defeat "Just, don't Burt her" he said, with fear in his voice

"No Bill, Don't!" I screamed and tried to run to him but Dipper pulled me back. "No I continued to thrash in his arms and try to escape. I needed bill, I couldn't live without him. Bill.

"Good choice" Pyronica laughed. She turned to us "Now, leave! Before I make you" I started to cry. As dipper started to leave with me, I saw Ford raise the gun to Pyronica. "What do you think your doing" she snapped

"I'm god damn sick and tired of all these fucking demons terrorizing the world. Cipher, you I don't care anymore. Its going to end. Now"

"Well, this will be fun." She laughed

"Kids run"

"but-" Dipper tried to protest 

"Now!" he fired the shot at her and hit her dead center in the chest, knocking her to the wall. Dipper started to leave but turned around. We stared at the demon on the ground. Bill backed up towards us 

"Did it work?" Bill looked at Ford

"I-" Pyronicas eyes shot open and she jumped up. She was no longer pink, or even hot pink. She was full on blood red. And it was terrifying

"You think!" she threw a fire ball towards us "That you can defeat me!" she yelled louder then should be possible, we scattered and Bill ran to protect me "You! Are! Nothing!" She summoned a knife and charged towards Bill with it, but he side stepped it and the blade went past him. 

The whole room went silent. Her blade still found a target though. I looked down to see it in my stomach, blood pooling around my shirt where the sword had entered. Everyone was staring at me in shock. I looked up at Bill, my breaths becoming shallow. He looked like he was in the most pain he had ever been in. The sword left my body, and I fell to that ground. But I didn't hit it. Though my vision was blurry, I felt a pair of strong arms catch me. I wonder if they were Bill's or Dipper's. I thought. "No, No, No" I heard. I couldn't make it out though, who was saying it, or what they were saying it. It became fuzzy, and darker, and darker, until... I was gone.

Bill's POV


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