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Mable's POV

"AHHH!" I screamed as I dodged another ball of fire. I ducked out of the way quickly enough, but got caught by another demon who slashed my back with his claws. I groaned as I fell over. I was covered in blood. My arms had several cuts on them, thanks to Pyronica. There was a deep gash in my leg, thanks to a flying dagger. My cheek was busted open from when i was slammed against my cage. And now, my back was stinging. A lot more then it should have been. Shit is it poisoned? I honestly didn't care at the moment. I needed to find a way out of this. Now.

"Haha!" one of the demons laughed at me while I was on the ground. "Think she's had enough?" he called to the other demons. They all laughed and yelled no. They started to circle around me. The demon who knocked out bill raised his hands and shot bolts of electricity at me. It wasn't enough to knock me out, but enough to hurt like a bitch

"Ahhh-stop-ahh" I screamed. They just laughed. I didn't know how much longer I could take this. It went on for what felt like forever. The pain, taunting. It was never ending. And my immortal abilities kept me alive and made me heal pretty quickly so it really was just never ending pain. I screamed and cried. I never stopped fighting, but I was getting weaker. I thought maybe I would eventually become numb to the pain, but I just seemed to get worse. everyday, every minute. It was nonstop.

Pyronica walked over to me. I was on the ground after some energy ball threw me to the ground. She grabbed me by the chin. "So sweetie" I cringed "Had enough yet" I was scarred. I didn't know what to say, but I honestly considering anything I did say would just result in me getting hurt more.

I struggled in her grip and tried to get away, but she was to strong. "ahg, wheres bill!"

"He's down in his cell sweetie." she threw me on the ground. "I would give up on him though. He'll never rescue you. Its impossible" she laughed and walked away. Before I could get up and defend myself, another one of the demons attacked me, and threw me against the wall, I hit my head and heard it ringing. "ugggg" Bill, please help me.

Bill's POV

I could hear Shootingstars screams from the dungeon. It was terrible. I'm so sorry for bringing you in to this.

"haha" Pyronica chimed. She had come back down to see me suffer. "You hear that Bill, thats what her entire eternity is going to be like"

"What do you want Pyronica!"

"I want to see you suffer"

"Congratulations it worked! Now let her go! you got what you wanted, you don't need her anymore"

"See, thats the thing Bill, i don't need her, but this is sure fun to watch you suffer like this" she laughed and walked away

"God dammit! Get the fuck back here" i yelled and hit the bars. but it was no use. "AHGGG!" i screamed and continued my rage fit of hitting things. I need to get out of here now. If I could, just. I fidgeted with the lock. It wouldn't budge. Then I started pulling at the bars. No luck. "Uggg" I sat and tried to think of a plan. for a couple days I pulled at the bars, punched the lock, nothing worked. I heard her screams the entire time. What have I done.

Finally one day, it came to me "Ah hah" I had a plan, it was a dumb plan, shit it probably wouldn't work. But at this point, I didn't care. I needed to save Shootingstar at any cost. Alright. Here goes nothing. I ran head first into the bars and blood started to drip down my face. Since the cage blocked my powers, I could get hurt. It would just have to look convincing. I smeared the blood on my face. Then I heard foot steps. "shit" I quickly fell back and laid still like a corpse and shut my eyes. Teeth and Pyronica walked in.

"Hey Bill" she chimed, I didn't move "Want to come see your little pet, I think seeing her like-" she stopped talking.

"Oh shit" I heard teeth say

"what the hell!" pyronica shrieked

"is he dead" I heard the door open. Yes!

"Bill, what the fuck did you-" I jumped up and punched her in the face "Ahhh!" she screamed and stumbled back"Ahg, Teeth, get him!" Teeth jumped at me but I ducked and rolled out of the way and out the cell. I sprinted up the stairs.

"Bill!" she yelled, "get back here. There's no where to run"

"Fuck you!" I screamed and kept running. I tried using my powers but they were still weak from the spells on the cell. I kept running, and made my way to the throne room, where I assumed Shootingstar was.

"Bill!" I was blocked by about 20 of the demons. Shit

"Stop" they said all raising their powers. I backed up. I still wasn't strong enough to take them one. Then Pyronica came out behind me.

"Well, Bill. I must say in the history of bad ideas, this beats them all"

"No, dating you, that was the worst" I smirked. Her face grew hot pink

"Ya know what, I think this is a perfect time to go pay a visit to the human" she called. Fuck, I can't beat them, but maybe- I tested my powers. They were coming back slowly. Not enough though. I had just enough to teleport away from here. But I couldn't leave Shootingstar. I also couldn't go back to my cell. What would that accomplish.

"Bill, give up now and maybe well go easier on her" she laughed, Yeah, sure you will

"How about not" I snapped my fingers and teleported to the only place I thought I could find help.

The Mystery Shack

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