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Mable's POV

What? I thought. What's happening? It felt like my whole body was on fire. I wanted to scream out in pain but I couldn't. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I couldn't even open my eyes. So I stayed put. It felt like I was floating. Was I dead? Is this what death feels like? No, I wasn't dead. Why was I in so much pain? I felt something pull me. Something pull me back to something. What is this? I thought before I snapped back to reality and shot up from the ground. My eyes bolted open, but they felt different. Everything about me felt different.



~are you ok?~

I thought I heard but everything was muffled. My head was spinning. I looked around but it was blurry. I felt a pair of strong hands on my stomach pull my up so that I was standing. I blinked a few times until the person infant of me came into focus.

"Bill?" I whispered. I sounded different though. Echoey almost. I looked up at him, he had tears in his eyes.

"Shootingstar!" he exclaimed before pulling me into a hug "I'm so sorry" he said burying his face in my chest. I couldn't think. Everything just felt so, off. I looked up and saw a blurry Dipper and Ford.

"Dipper?" I whispered. He just stared wide eyed at me.

"M-mable" he whispered. He seemed shocked. Was it because I was alive? Wait, how was I alive?

"What the" I saw ford mouth. I pulled back from Bill and looked at him

"Bill? What-" I stopped speaking when I looked down at my hands. They were pitch black with a scattered glowing gold pyramid pattern around them. "Bill!" I picked up a broken shard of what was once a mirror off the ground and looked at my face. "What, happened!" My eyes were glowing yellow with slits for pupils, like Bill's. My face, and the rest of my skin, had the same pattern as my arms. I reached behind me where I felt a pair of wings in my back. I looked at Bill who had a blank expression, then at Dipper and Ford who seemed just as shocked as I was. "WHAT THE HELL!"

"Mable I-" Bill started

"What happened to me!" I yelled ignoring the fact he used my real name for once

"Bill" Ford yelled "What did you do to her" I stared at Bill. Everything about me felt different. I couldn't explain it. Just, feelings and senses. Everything was mixed up. I'm scared.

"I know your scared" Bill said looking at me "I'm sorry, I had to. You-, you were dead!" He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in close to him. "I couldn't lose you. Not again. Not ever again"

"Bill. What. Did. You. Do." I said, my tone growing sterner. He looked at me for a moment before answering

"I turned you into a demon" Ford and Dipper gasped. I couldn't think. A-a Demon? B-But how? I felt dizzy, I turned around and tried to walk away. Before I knew it, I felt myself hit the ground and blacked out.

Bill's POV

"I turned you into a demon" I said, though now I was regretting doing it. I heard her family gasp behind me. Shootingstar looked like she was about to throw up. I wanted to reach out to her, to love her and tell her everything would be okay, but it wouldn't. I shouldn't have done that. It was on impulse. I just, I couldn't lose her. She turned and walked away, then fell to the ground.

"Shit, Mable!" I ran up to her and picked her up. "Its ok, you'll be okay" I whispered, though I didn't know if I believed it.

"You did what cipher!" Sixer yelled. Pinetree ran up and looked at her in my arms.

"Mable" he whispered. "I-is s-she going to b-be okay?" he stuttered

"I think so" I said giving a fake reassuring smile. "come on. lets get her to a bed" I walked off to my room and they followed me. I couldn't teleport there, my magic was spent for the moment. I felt like falling over, I was so tired. But I couldn't. I had to be there, for her. Once we got to my room, I laid her on my bed and pulled the blankets over her. She slept peacefully. I turned to Sixer and Pinetree. They looked confused, mad, scared, and confused.

"Why did you do it" Pinetree looked up at me

"I..., I couldn't lose her. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done it, for multiple reasons, but I-I just had to" I turned away from them. Pinetree walked over to the bed and knelt down next to his sleeping twin.

"What will happen to her" asked Ford

"She's immortal now for one. Well, permanently immortal now." we glanced over at her, the pitch blackness on her skin was fading and returning to normal. The gold pyramid pattern still scattered over her body and hair, coming and going in different places. "I don't know what the demon world will think of her. Its been millions of years since a demon was made this way. Its not exactly allowed, and only a handful of demons are powerful enough to do it. Even with someone of my powers, it's dangerous."

"Will you protect her?" Pinetree asked turning to me

"Of course"

Mable's POV

I opened my eyes and sat up. It took me a minute to recognize where I was, but then I realize I was in Bill's room.

"Bill?" I quietly called out. No one answered. I got out of bed and walked over to a door I assumed the bathroom was in. I walked in and looked in the mirror. I'm a demon now. The pitch black shade on my skin was gone, but the golden pyramid was still scattered across my body in random places. My hair looked like a deeper shade of brown and my eyes were glowing yellow. I actually, looked... pretty? I mean, it was different from my old body and face. I didn't know what to make of it. Part of it scared me, but I felt like my fear was replaced by something else...

"Shootingstar?" I whipped around to see Bill standing in the door way.

"Hey" I said quietly then looked back in the mirror. He came up behind me and hugged my waist.

"You look beautiful" I looked up at him in the mirror, then turned around burying my face in his chest. I started to silently sob. "It will be ok, I promise. Everything will be fine" he held me close and rested his chin on my head.

"W-what's going to happen?"

"Things will just be, different"

"How so?" He chuckled softly at this. I pulled away and glared at him. He looked down at me

"Everything will be different. Your life, your body, your mind, your emotions. It's going to be hard" I looked down and away, then he gently lifted my my chin back up to look at him "but, you'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. I promise." He leaned down and kissed me. Like he was sealing the promise with his lips. I kissed back then pulled away to look up at him.

"I love you Bill"

"I love you to Shootingstar"

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