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Bill's POV

no. No. NO. NO!

"NO!!!!" I screamed as I watched her fall backwards. Her brother ran behind her catching her in his arms and held her. Her breath became shallow and her eyes shut slowly

"Mable!" her brother screamed "Mable, please, no no no! Mable, stay with me" He shut his eyes and pulled her in close cradling her in his arms "No" he whispered, crying softly. Ford ran over to try to help, but it was to late. She was dead. I felt my entire world shattered, like everything was flooding in at once, she died, she was my everything. It shouldn't have been her, it should have been me.

I wanted to cry but it was stuck in my throat. She couldn't be dead, no. I pulled my eyes away from her and looked over at Pyronica, who had collapsed on the ground. Then she started screaming in agony. What? I felt something coming to me. What is that- My thoughts were cut off by something inside of me, I let it come while  Pyronica screamed. My powers-, were returning. She broke her her side of the deal, Shootingstar was dead and the deal was off. I got my powers back. I stood up, and so did Pyronica

"Ahg!" she screamed trying to stand "You think you can stop me!" She got ready t attach but I ran towards her, gripping her throat and slamming her against the wall.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I threw her on the ground "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU"

"Ahg" she screamed again when I threw her. I got ready to throw a fire ball at her but she rolled out of the way. She then tackled me with demonic force sending us both flying out of a window. I pushed off of her mid air and fired shots at her. She dodged most, a couple grazing her but none fatale. I was shooting with blind rage. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted her to hurt, to burn in hell, to feel my pain.

She started firing shots at me. I didn't care about dodging them. I didn't even feel them, all I felt was me wanting to kill her. "YOU TOOK HER FROM ME!"
I yelled and shot at her, barley missing. "You! Will! Die!" I said firing a shot with each word

"Bill! Stop this!" Pyronica yelled angrily while dodging  in a desperate attempt to stop me. "You need me, you need my powers. You can't-" I cut her off and shot at her, hitting her in the head. She fell to the ground and lay there. I went down and as she was trying to get up, I stomped my foot in her chest. "Ahg" she groaned
"YOU THINK I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU" I stomped again. "I WILL NEVER NEED YOU, AND YOU WILL NEVER. COME. BACK!" My eye turned red, and with that her physical form started to slowly burn alive while her demon form was sent to hell to burn for all eternity.  Watching her in agony was just as comforting as I thought it would be, but I quickly lost my smile when I remembered something.

"Shootingstar" I whispered. I quickly flew up to the fearamid to see Sixer fending off some demons while Pinetree clung to Shootingstar's lifeless body. "Hey!" I yelled and the demons looked at me. I growled and snapped my fingers, sending them all to the dungeons. They deserve much worse after helping Pyronica. They're lucky they're not in the same boat.

I looked down at Pinetree, with my Shootingstar in his arms. He was crying, his tears falling in her face. Her beautiful face. Now lifeless and dead. I then realized, I was crying to. I knelt down next to him and cried with him. This was all my fault. I should have never brought her into this. I take it all back.
"Im so sorry" I whispered, not knowing if it was for Pinetree of shootingstar. I love you. Pinetree heard me say sorry and looked up at me. I expected to see hate in his eyes for taking his twin, but all I saw was depression and grief.

"Bill?" He whispered

"Yeah?" I said looking away, not wanting to look my dead love's twin in the eye

"I-is there an-anyw-way to s-save her" he softly cried out. I just hung my head low. He got the massage and held her closer. Sixer came and put a hand on his shoulder, trying to hold in his tears. Even as powerful as I was, I couldn't bring people back from the dead. I could only heal minor cuts, and other stuff and- wait, that's it! I grabbed her from Pinetrees arms. "Hey, what are you-"

"I know how to save her" I exclaimed. I set her down gently on the floor and started to draw a circle around her with other stuff.

"Is that the cipher wheel?" Sixer asked behind me? I ignored him and kept working. It was the cipher wheel, but with a few modifications. Shootingstar lay in the middle of it, so my triangle symbol was where her shooting star would usually be. There was a line drawn to connect her her to my symbol. Also the immortal spells that were on her arms earlier were near the line, along with some other spells. I stepped back, praying that this would work.

"Bill, what are you-" Pinetree started but I cut him off when I started chanting.

"Slleps Suoregnad! Slleps Suoregnad!" Blue fire started to form around the circle. Pinetree went forward to stop it but Sixer held him back. They watched me as I continued to chant. "Slleps nomed! Slleps lleh!" I fell over in exhaustion. It was the most powerful speed there was, it was risked even for someone like me to try it, but I had to. For her. I used what little strength I had left to look up, and see if it worked.

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