For Eternity

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Mables POV

I unwrapped my bandages to check on my cuts and try to clean them with some of the water bill brought. When I unwrapped them though, they were already healed!
"How... are they..." I whispered to myself. They had both very visibly  scared over but they were closed and healed. How are they healed that quickly? They were just cut a hours ago.
"Because shooting star" the door swung open and the blond demon walked in. "Immortal humans heal faster than mortals"
"Bill i-"
"Master!" He cut me off shooting a warning glance. I winced at that
"Master. I'm not immortal." Bill smirked and walked over before bending down at eye contact with me.
"Or are you" I stared at him and looked at my left arm. The symbols that were scarred on my arm started to glow.
"What the hell did you do to me?" I screamed
"Nothing" he said innocently. "I just made sure you can't use death as a way to get out of our deal. Now you will be mine. Forever"
"That wasn't the deal!"
"Wasn't it? You said in return for your family's safty I could have you. You never said for how long."
"That's not fair" I said more to myself than to bill.
"Life's not fair shooting star and weirdmegedon life is much more unfair" I started to cry. I would be here for all eternity. It hadn't even been a day and I already wanted to give up. How could I possibly make it an eternity?
"Aww come on shooting star don't cry" bill laughed. "I could always just go kill your family then let you go?"
"No!" I screamed
"That's what I thought" the laughter no longer in bills voice. "You better learn soon who's the master around here. I am not afraid to pick off the pines one by one if you step out of line. Got it?"
I nodes my head slowly tears coming out quietly.
"Good. Not let's have a little more fun" he said pulling out another knife.

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