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Dipper's POV

Ford and I were working on the gun. We almost had it finished to. It was just hard to get right since we didn't have a test subject, but we were making progress. Lately I tried to bury myself in work. I spent most of my days in the lab ignoring everything else. Wendy came down sometime to talk to me and make sure I remembered to eat, but I brushed her off most of the time. I just didn't want to think about anything. Especially Mable.


"Ya Ford?"

"We need more unicorn hair for the gun"

"I thought we just sent a team out to get some"

"We did, but the gun needs to be at max power if we want to stop Bill"

"Alright, I'll send a team out"

"Thanks Dipper" I started to walk upstairs but I was stopped and turned around

"Hey, Ford? Should we even be focusing on Bill anymore? the demons said he wasn't in charge anymore."

"Do you really trust them Dipper?"

"Well, I mean-"

"Dipper we have to be prepared for anything. And any gun thats powerful enough to take out Bill can take out anything"

"Okay." I said. I wasn't really convinced though. I walked upstairs to tell Wendy about her new. mission. "Hey Wendy I-"

"Shhhhh!" she stoped me and motioned towards the door. Everyone was quiet and crouched down, weapons in hands. I shuffled over next to Wendy.

"What going on" I whispered reaching for my gun. she was about to say something but was stopped by a voice from outside

"Pinetree" it called

"No" I whispered

"He just showed up. We didn't know what to do"

"Pinetree!! Let me in"

"What do you want Bill"

"Take the spell off the house." I was so glad right now we had put it back up from when he tore it down.

"No! get out before we kill you" I was expecting some snarking remark from him, but what he said caught me completely off guard

"Pinetree, please. I need your help" he sounded desperate "Its your sister, they have her"

"Mable" I whispered looking at Wendy whose expression I couldn't read "What do you mean "they have her." whose they?"

"The demons"

"What are you talking about? Arn't you in charge or something" I said looking for an answer. I needed to know what the hell was going on

"Not anymore. They revolted"

"Why?" he was silent for a moment "Why did they revolt!" I said louder

"Because Im in love with your sister" Everyones jaws dropped. No one spoke for s few minutes. "Pinetree, please let me in. I need your help! they have your sister and she's in trouble. They're hurting her! Please Help me-"

"Okay. Hang on, let me go get Ford" I stood up and walked towards the basement. Wendy, keep an eye on him"

"Okay" everyone stood up and seemed to relax a bit, but they were still tense. Who could blame them thought. The demon who caused al they was on our front porch, and claiming to love my sister

"Ford!" I called out

"Yes? Whats going on up there"

"You need to get back up here. Hurry!"

"Alright" we started to walk up. Once we were up there I opened the door to reveal a very beat up demon staring up at us pleadingly. "Dipper, what the hell is he doing here !"

"Ford, just hear him out"

"Sixer look I-" Bill was cut off when Ford pulled a gun out of his pocket

"Get out of here!" he said pointing the gun at him

"Ford wait-"

"Sixer, listen. your great niece is in trouble. Kill me if you really want to, but please just please save her" Ford thought about this for a moment. Then he looked at me.


"I don't know" I said. Ford looked back at Bill

"How can we trust you?"

"Because, Ive torn this barrier down before and I could do it again, exact my powers are still weak and my army of ass holes have left me."


"Come on sixer. We both know if I was lying and wanted you dead, you would be. Plus, our deal still stands. I can't hurt you"

"the other demons said the deal was off?"

"its off for them because they don't work for me anymore, but I still can't hurt you." Ford thought about this for a moment. "Sixer please, we need to save her"

"why do you care so much about her"

"Because I love her!" Ford stepped back

"what" he whispered. he thought for moment. "Dipper, what do you think" I looked at him, then at bill, then back at him.

"I just want Mable back"

"So what are you saying?"

"Ya, I think we should trust him"

Mable's POV

One of the demons picked me up by the throat and threw me across the room. The blood was trickling down my neck from his claw marks. I tried to get up but another shot of electricity fired at me. I almost dodged it, but my leg was hurt so I wasn't as fast and I got hit with it. "Ahh" I screamed as it hit. "Fuck!" I rolled out of the way of one demon trying to pierce my arm, but I was stopped and picked up by my arm by Pyronica, and she looked extra pissy.

"Now now, where are you trying to go" she said gripping my arm so hard I thought it was going to break.

"Ahg!" I squirmed "Let go!"

"ha!" she laughed "or not"

I was thrown back in my cage. I was covered in blood over healed wounds. Everything hurt. The torturing and taunting had only gotten worse, ever since Bill escaped. I was glad he had escaped, maybe he'll get a chance to take back the dimension and get me out of here.

"arg!!!" Pyronica yelled as she slammed the cage door. she had been in a bit of a mood lately and I apparently was what she was taking her anger out of. "So NONE of you can find Bill?" she yelled at the demons

"Pyronica," one of them spoke up "It's a fairly large dimension, he could have gone anywhere"

"No!" she fired back. then she laughed "He wouldn't leave his precious pet, now would he?" she glanced over at me. "Something tells me he's still in gravity falls, trying to get her back" My eyes lit up at that, though I tried to hide it, she saw it. "But don't worry sweetie, he'll never be able come get you."

"Just watch" I muttered. She heard me but ignored my retort 

"Alright everyone, go search the town for Bill, then well come back for some more fun with our pet!" she laughed and they all flew or jumped out of the fearamid, leaving me in my cage. alone. I miss Bill.

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