Different Plans

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Bill's POV

"Ahhhgghgghh" I screamed as I killed another hundred or so humans in a ball of fire. It was the second day of my, 'tantrum' and taking it out on humans. "GO GET MORE" I screamed at the henchmaniacs

"but, bill this is getting old" eight ball said in a whiny tone

"yeah" agreed pyronica "all we do is kill humans then get more then kill them again." the other demons started to wisher and nod and agree "ohhhh, I have an idea. Lets throw a party-"

"NO!" I snapped. the others backed away. uggggg. this is getting out of hand.

"Bill, come on-" I cut her off

"fine, go party or whatever. do what you want" I teleported to my throne room "uggggg" I sighed." they suspect something probably" but I didn't care. who fucking cares what they think. god dammit. and no! this isn't because I miss shooting star. Its another thing that tore my life apart. Ya. Thats it. whatever. "I don't miss shooting star!"

"what?" pyronica walked in. Shit

"nothing" I lied

"bill, whats wrong really" she walked up to me "you've been acting strange, ever since we took over this world really and-"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I got up and started to walk away

"bill" she called to my back "If you don't start to step up and rule this dimension, someone else might" I could feel her stare on my back

"id like to see them try" I brushed off her empty threat and walked away.

Mable's POV

God dammit!

I ran up the stairs to the attic and slammed the door. Uggg, why doesn't he understand. Bill cannot be stopped. I was their only hope at staying alive and I might have screwed that up for them. I slumped down against the door and put my face in my hands. "What am i going to do?" What am I going to do? Dipper and Ford don't trust me anymore. I don't belong here. "where do I belong. Back with Bill?" I said sarcastically to my self. Bill. I missed him so much. Wait. What? Do I miss Bill? "Yes, I do. I-"

*Knock Knock*

"Mable, its me" I heard Dippers voice and felt the door push against my back. "Can I come in please?" I stood up and moved out off the door so it opened. Dipper walked in and looked at me. "Mable, I'm so sorry-"

"No, its my fault. I shouldn't have yelled" I said with false sincerity "I'm just, still scared, after ya know, being with Bill"

"Its not your fault" dipper hugged me "I'm so sorry we didn't try to save you sooner" I let go and faced him

"Well I'm not sorry. If you had tried to save me, you would be dead and I would've made the damn deal for nothing."

"But Mable-"

"I did it for you, and now were both safe. Ok?" I smiled

"Ok" dipper repeated. We were both silent for a little until I spoke up.

"Hey, dipper?"

"Yeah?" he replied

"I uh, I do know one of Bill's weaknesses."


"Yeah, but you have to trust me, okay?"

"Okay" he smiled. I felt bad for lying to him, but I had to. This was my only chance


We walked  through the forest, Dipper carrying some weird demon gun and I had my graphing hook. I somehow managed to convince him to come with me and not tell ford. The guilt was killing me, but I didn't care, I had to get to Bill. Uggg, I'm an idiot. How can I be choosing Bill over my family. I didn't know if I was making the right choice. Am I? I just-

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