The Dance

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Mables POV

We were walking to the party and I was screaming in my head. What the hell is going on. First the new room and shower then this stupid dress and now we're going to a party together like we're a-
"Couple?" bill interrupted my thoughts.
"actually friends" I corrected
"What? Are we not friends shooting star"
And the nicknames back
"You kept me locked in a cell, tortured me, and threatened my family"
"And i'm sorry for that" I stared at him. Part of me couldn't believe he said sorry. Another part didn't believe it was sincere. And a small part that I was trying to ignore couldn't stop thinking about how hot he looked. Stop it I mentally smacked myself.
"Haha!" Bill smirked "you don't look to bad either shooting star"
Shit. Did he just compliment me
"Yes I did don't act so surprised"
I looked away and we walked in silence the rest of he way.

The party was terrifying. Demons, weirdness, torturing/killing random humans. In all I wanted to run away, throw up, and pass out all at the same time.
"What's wrong" Bill asked me as I was clinging to him "you seem scared"
"Maybe it's the dead bodies" I muttered
"Haha" he laughed and snapped his fingers. Any humans dead or alive were gone and the other demons booed at loosing their entertainment "better?" He asked half sarcastically. I looked away. "Haha" He took my hands and walked to he middle of the party. Then the music started playing. He led my hand to his shoulder and help the other in his hand. His free arm slipped around my waist. We started to dancing. What the fuck I thought
"Bill?" We side stepped
"Master" he corrected as he spun me
"Master, why are we doing this" he pulled me back in
"Dancing?" He stepped back and to the side
"Dancing, going to a party, you being nice to me" we side stepped
"Don't worry shooting star" he dipped me and leaned in to my ear "you're still my slave and I can do whatever I want to you." He lifted me up "I was just bored and wanted to use my toy" we side stepped again and danced in silence for a few minutes. I caught myself accidentally staring at him a few times. He laughed every time I looked away and blushed. I couldn't help it though. No matter how hard I tried not to be attracted to him, I couldn't. He was so just damn hot. No Mable. He's evil. He kidnaped you and has killed countless people. He's a monster

"Yes shooting star. I am a monster" he spun me again. "But that doesn't mean" he pulled me closed "I can't change" before I knew what happened his lips crashed onto mine. At first I tried to pull away but his grip was to tight. Then I stoped fighting and let him kiss me. Eventually, I kissed back. It was warm and soft, nothing like the demon I knew. Could he change? Does he like me? Do I like him? What the hell is going on? A million questions flooded into my head and eventually dissolved as I surrendered to the kiss. Once he pulled back he wore a smirk on his face.
"Like I said shooing star. I can change. But I won't" he said dropping me on the ground and walked away towards the other demons. "You're still my puppet" He snapped his fingers and a glass tank of water was surrounding me. I couldn't breath.
"~BILL~" I pounded in the glass. He just smirked and laughed.
"It's master to you" that was the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

Bill's POV

Once shooting star blacked out I released the water and picked her up. She wasn't breathing
"Fuck" I hadn't meant to kill her. I just needed to prove to the henchmaniacs that I was still evil. They were thinking and whispering to each other that I had gone soft. First giving her a room, then taking away their humans, and the dance and the kiss. I knew what it looked like, but I wasn't going soft. I think. I just grew soft for her. She was so cold in my arms. I teleported us back to her room and helped her start to breath again. She finally coughed and started breathing slow raspy breaths. I breathed a sigh of relief and laid her on the bed and covered her up. She was still shivering and her lips were blue. Her hair was wet and her dress was soaked. She was a mess, and she still looked beautiful.
I snapped my fingers and she was dry and in sweats and night shirt.
"Good night shooting star" I said as I kissed her forehead. She squirmed at my touch. How could she ever love a monster?

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