Well do you?

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Mable's POV

When I woke up my lungs were burning. I sat up in the bed and coughed. I didn't remember getting in bed. Or taking off my dress? What the? I thought while looking down at the sweats and t-shirt I was in. Ok? I remembered what had happened. The dance, the kiss... the water. I shivered, remembering what he did to me. So he tried to kill me then puts me back in the comfort room like it's no big deal. I started to cry. I hated being here. I thought it was just going to be physical abuse with him but he's tearing me apart emotionally. Part of me hated him for everything he did to me. The other part couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. It was so, just, ahggg. Stop Mable. This isn't right. Wait, do I, like him. No. Hell no. I couldn't believe it. It must be some form of Stockholm syndrome. I decided to take my mind off bill. I wasn't going to think about his perfect face, or his golden yellow hair, or the way he danced.
"Uggg" I groaned and mentally slapped myself. I needed to get my mind off of things so I decided to get up and take a shower.

Bill's POV

I felt bad for shooting star. Wait what. Since when did I feel bad? Uggg. I went  to go check on her since she was awake, but she was crying so I decided to leave her alone. I walked out to he throne room where some of the demons were just bringing in new humans to torture.
"Bill!" Yelled Pyronica. " come join us"
"Ya we could use your expertise." Said eight ball
"Alright guys" I said walking over to the trembling humans. The other demons laughed while I tried to hide my disgust. What the hell is wrong with me. I used to enjoy this but now all I can think about is shooting star. I knew I needed to do this though. I was loosing their respect already. "Let's begin" I said with a smirk. I snapped my fingers and they were chained on their knees to the ground. The demons begin going at them. Cutting off limbs and slicing at them. Pyronica shooting flames, others using their powers. I used to love hearing their screams. I still do. But all I can think about was shooting star. What was she doing right now. Will she ever forgive me? I wanted to go see her now. I tried to quietly slip away
"Where are you going Bill?" Pyronica looked up from the human on the ground who was quite literally burning to death.
Uh uh uh uh shit "i'm uh- being summoned?" It came out more like a question then I wanted it to.
"Who would be summoning you?"
"I don't know. I should go find out." I teleported away before they could say anything else.
I was outside shooting stars door. I knocked but there was no answer. I decided to walk in and check on her.

Mable's POV

The shower should have felt nice, but the water just kept reminding me of last night. I shivered at the memory. My faded vision, the water filling up my lungs. It was hell. I was literally in hell. Fuck. Why the hell did I do this. I got out of the shower and realized I didn't bing in new cloths. I didn't want to put on my old cloths right after I showered. I walked out in my towel to look for some new clothes.
I perked up. I thought I heard a knock at the door but I brushed it off as hearing the demons partying or torturing humans. It got pretty loud at some points. I tried to tune it out most of the time. Waking up to human screams wasn't fun, and it wasn't helping my mental state. I wrapped up in my towel loosely and walked out of the bathroom
"Ahahh" I screamed and nearly dropped my towel to see a smirking Bill
"Why hello shooting star."
I sat there like a deer in the headlights for a few seconds before bolting back into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.
"Aww come out shooting star. I just wanna talk." He laughed "i'm not that scary. Am I?" I could almost hear him smirking.
I didn't say anything
"Do I have to come in there?" He opened the door but I lunged for it and slammed it shut
"Come on shooting star. I wanna talk to you"
I stayed silent for a minute
"Could you get me some clothes please?"
"'Could I get some clothes please master'" he corrected me
"Please master"
"Of course." He said. I heard him snap his fingers. I turned around and in the counter we're a pair of skinny jeans. A crop top. A bra that actually looked like one of my old ones and a pair of thongs. Really? Shit. Reluctantly I put them on and got dressed and walked out there. Bill smiled and walked up to me.
"You look great. Sleep well?"
"Ya. It was nice to drown and wake up with burning lungs." I saw his eyes go red and immediately regretted my decision. I started to back up in fear of what he would do but his eyes went back to normal. He laughed it off
"You know you don't have to be scared of me" he must of seen the surprise in my eyes "I know what I did and i'm sorry if it scared you, but" he said walking closer I tried to back away but I ran in to a wall "shooting star" I was pinned down. No where to go "you should know "he was only inches from my face "your so important to me. I wouldn't have taken you other wise. You know I would never let anything hurt you" he cupped my chin and tilted my face up towards his. Shit was he flirting with me. Fuck fuck fuck. Does he feel the same way? No no no there is no same way. I hate him. Do I?
"Do you?" He said reading his mind
Fuck. I do? He laughed.
"Well do you" I looked into his eyes. He almost looked nervous. Though he hid it well behind his smirk, he looked scared, and like he wanted me to say yes.
"I-I don't know" I stuttered out. He came closer
"Well" he said leaning in "I do" and pulled me into another kiss. But this one was different. With this one, I knew the answer.

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