New Plans

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Bill's POV

I was surprised they let me in. Relived, but surprised. After Dipper told Ford he trusted me, they took the barrier down. They were now un protected form the outside world, but I was gaining my powers back, so I would be able to defend them enough.

Dipper led me down to the lab. Everyone was eyeing me, not trusting me one bit. I didn't care though. All I could think about was my shootingstar. I wondered how she was, if they were letting up on her, or getting worse. Was she mad I left her? Had she given up hope yet? Uhggg. I need to get her back.

"So?" Dipper asked trying to fill the silence that followed us to the lab "You said you 'love' Mable"

"I do"

"Does, she love you to"

"I think so. I mean, she came back to me so I don't see any other reason she would do that"

"Well, a lot of things make sense now I guess" I chuckled at that. Then Ford walked down

"So Cipher?" he questioned suspiciously "How exactly were you over thrown"

"A bitch with a grudge" they both stared at me "A demon, Pyronica, kind of a slut. She was mad at me and was able to convince the demons to join her and gang up on me"

"But, you're the most powerful demon out there. How did they do it?" Ford questioned

"They found my weakness"

"Which is?" Dipper spoke up

"Your twin" I said looking at him. "Once Pyronica found out I love her, I had already lost" They both looked at each other. Then away. It was awkward silence for a little. I don't think they like the idea of me dating Shootingstar yet. Whatever, thats not important right now. "So sixer, you got anything that can stop a demon. I'm sure you've been working on something to take me out"

"Well, actually" he glanced over to a tarp on a table. I walked over and pulled it off. There on the table, was a large gun. It was actually a pretty great design.

"This is a terrible gun" I lied

"What?" ford exclaimed

"I mean, for stopping a demon, ya it would work. But for stopping me, not a chance." I couldn't let him know how close he was. Once I get my shootingstar back, I plan on keeping things the way they were. And I didn't need sixer and pine tree fucking that up.

"So you think its powerful enough to stop 'Pyronica'?" Dipper asked

"Yeah, it should work" Bill picked up the gun and examined it. "Theres only one problem, it looks like you can only fire it once"

"Well, yeah" Ford replied "When you only have one target, you only need one shot"

"This isn't just one target, this is an entire army of demons."

"Then what do we do?" Dipper asked

"We use the shot for the real threat, Pyronica. Well have to find another way to distract the other demons."

"How are we going to do that" Ford questioned

"I've got a plan" I smirked

Mable's POV

The demons were out for a while trying to find Bill. Part of me was relieved, since their attention was off me, but part of me was scared. What is they find Bill? What would they do to him. Where is Bill? ... Will I ever see him again? I started softly crying but eventually stopped my self. No, I wasn't going to give up. Not yet. Not today. I got up and looked around for something to escape with. To my surprise, a knife was on the ground next to the cage. I reached my arm out to grab it, but it was to far. I squirmed and adjusted, trying to get a longer reach, gaining every inch I could. Almost... "Ah hah!" I exclaimed as my fingers wrapped around the cool metal handle of the dagger and pulled it in. "Yes! Now if I could just..." I walked over to the lock and worked the tip of the blade into it, trying to open the cage. After about fifteen minuted of moving it around, I finally heard a click! And the lock fell off. "ha! yes!" Buy my victory was short lived as I heard the demons coming back. "Shit, I exclaimed as I ran around the corner and out of sight.

"Yeah!" I heard them scream as they chanted "Pyronica! Pyronica!"

"Haha!" She laughed. "That was fun." I don't think I wanna know 'what was fun'. "ya know, I think a great idea is to have fun with our-" she stopped what she was saying "WHAT THE HELL" she screamed "Where is she?!"

"Pyronica" I heard one say "We were out for a long time, she might not even be here anymore" I was slowly backing up to try to get further away, but I tripped on some weapons that were laying on the floor.


"Shit" I whispered

"No," I could practically hear Pyronicas smirk "I have a feeling she's still here" the other demos laughed knowing I was just around the corner. "Come out sweetie, theres no where to run" ya, like thats going to happen. I got up and sprinted away before they could get around the corrner. "Uggg" I heard Pyronica growl. "GET HER!" I kept running knowing they were hot on my trail, but I couldn't give up yet. I turned corners, sprinted down halls, checked every room for a way out. but it was no use. I was lost.

"There!" I heard a demon shout "She went that way!" Fuck. I ran faster, and when I ran in to the next room, I saw something. An open window. is this a good idea? I looked behind me and the demons where there, about to catch me. fuck it this is a great idea. I lied to myself then climbed out the window. I looked down, we were atlas 1000 feet in the air.

"Good thing I'm not afraid of heights" I mumbled sarcastically to myself. I climbed and climbed to the top of the fearamid, looking for another window to go back in, or someway to get out. I was about to reach the top when-

"Ahh" I screamed as I felt my neck burning. A fist gripped around it and lifted me in the air. It turned me around and flew higher up, it was Pyronica.

"Haha!" she laughed "that was close. you almost escaped" she laughed again and the demons who started to pour out joined her. "Well, not really, but hey! Points for trying. And by points, I mean pain" She laughed again, then flew me back inside with the other demons following her. I felt my head hit the stone ground as I was thrown down.

"Ahg!" I groaned as I tried to stand up, but fell back over from the ringing. Before I could try again, Pyronica grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me up.

"Look, sweetie." she chimed in a more irritated tone then usual "We've seem to run into a bit of trouble. we can't find Bill, so we need you to tell us where he is and how to find him"

"Or what" I spat "You going to torture me some more, good luck" Pyronicas eyes went red for a second but then returned to pink

"You will tell us how to find him!"

"No, I won't"

"YOU WILL!!" she screamed "Or we will kill you. those immortal spells can always be removed" I thought about it for a moment. Actually, right now, death didn't sound that bad.

"Do it " I said with no fear in my voice

"Arg!" she screamed and threw me back on the ground. "What is with you! How can you be willing to die for that dick head!" I saw her raise her arms to attack me, but then she stopped, and smirked. "Haha! its so simple, how come none of us thought about it before?"

"What is Pyronica?" another demon asked

"The way to get Bill" she said while gripping my arm "A way to find him" Her hand felt like burning knifes going throng my arm

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed in agony

"And it involves his precious 'shootingstar'" she dropped me and I tried to catch my breath. I looked at my arm. It looked completely fine, better then it had before. Exept, something was missing. The scars, that made me immortal were gone.

"What, did you do?" I looked up at Pyronica who was now smirking

"I made you mortal again" I got up and tried to back away

"great" I heard a demon exclaim as he walked towards me "Now we can have more fun" he was about to grab my arm, but Pyronica grabbed my other arm and pulled me away.

"No! she's mortal again so she can die now if we hurt her. No more fun with her"

"AWW. Boo" the demons chanted together

"For now of course"

"W-What are you going to do?" I stuttered

"Were going to use you to get Bill back here" I gulped. Bill, I'm sorry.

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