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Dippers POV

I was running from some of the demons with Stan. The others were hopefully back with Ford, getting ready to destroy Bill. We ran down the twisted hallways, trying not to get lost. Suddenly, Bill appeared infront of us. 

"Bill!" I exclaimed. He laughed and his hands lit up in flamed

"Pine tree, Fez, hows it going"

"What do you want!" my grunckle yelled, gripping his brass knuckles tighter

"Nothing much, I already got what I want. I just have one more lose end to tie up"

What does he want, my stupid ass already gave him the code. I shivered at that memory 

"That you did Pinetree, thanks for that. However, thats not the lose end. It seems someone made a huge sacrifice to save all your sorry asses. But, I still get to kill one of you" he glared at me, but Stan stepped protectively infant of me.

"If you want to harm my nephew, you'll have to go through me" Bill smiled evilly

"Not a problem" Before I knew it, he shot a blast at Ford, knocking him over and killing him.

"No!" I screamed, kneeling down next to my dead grunkle. "You basturd" I ran up to strike him, but he snapped his fingers, and I was back in the shack, along with everyone else, except for Stan... and Mabel.

"Dipper" Ford ran up to me "What happened" I had tears in my eyes

"He's gone, he's gone" Fords face went white

"Who's gone"

"Stan" I whispered, trying to hold back the tears. 

"No" ford sat down on a chair. Everyones face fell. "Was it Bill?"

"Yes" Ford shut his eyes for a moment, then got up and walked over to the window, checking outside.

"Why are we back here" he questioned 

"Bill mentioned something about someone making a sacrifice to save us but I don't know-" my face fell as the realization hit me. "Mabel"

Wendy looked over at me "What"

"It was Mabel, she made the sacrifice for us"

"Why the hell would she do that" Ford slammed his fists on the wall "Thats the stupidest thing she could have done"

"Because, thats just who she is" I said, thinking back to Stan, shielding me from Bill. "Thats just who they are" I whispered to myself, letting the tears fall freely. 

Mable POV

I woke up on a cold cement ground. My hands were in chains. That led to the walls behind me so my movements were constructed. I sat up and remembered what I had done. The deal to save my family, and who I sacrificed. I started crying at that memory. I had to. I couldn't let one of the kids die, it was him, Ford or Fiddleford. I didn't know who to choose. I started crying. I'm a terrible person.

"At least most go them are safe" I whispered to myself. I sat there for a few hours wondering what Bill had planned for me. I was absolutely terrified. Eventually I heard footsteps coming my way
"Dammit" I spat. The door creaked open and in came bill.
"Looks like your finally awake. Sleep well?" He asked sarcastically.
"What do you want bill?" I said trying to hide the fear in my voice. He leaned in until he was only inches away from my face. Then I felt a sting on my cheek as he slapped my.
"YOU will address ME as MASTER. Do you understand" he yelled. I had tears coming out of my eyes. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face so that I was looking him in the eyes.
"Yes master" I said with an angry trembling voice.
"Good. Now that that's taken care of, we can began the real fun" he said as he pulled out a knife. I struggled in my chains but the only pulled me tighter in the wall. He grabbed my arm and started carving in to it with the knife
"Ahhgg" I screamed and squirmed.
"The louder you are and the more you struggle, the more painful this will be for you shooting star" he said with a laugh. I bit my lip to stay as quiet as I could. He cut in to each arm, making multiple gashed and cuts all along each arm. I thought I would pass out from pain or blood loss, but something seemed to be preventing that. Once he was finished with both arms he got up and left. I sat there with my arms covered in blood.
In one arm, he carved his demon form. A triangle with one eye. On the other he put some  symbols I saw in the journal once. I think they were spells but I couldn't remember. Eventually I did end up falling half asleep. But every time I moved the pain would come back and wake me up.
A few hours later, maybe 6 or 7 but I couldn't really tell being in here, bill came back. He had a bandage wrap in one hand and a plate of food in the other. He came over to me and snapped his fingers. With that the chains fell off. Before I could lift up my arms to try to relieve he pain, he gently took one of my arms and started to wrap it up. Why the hell is he being doing this. Why is he being nice I thought
"Because shooting star. Wouldn't want my new favorite toy to bleed out now would I." He smirked when he looked up at my shocked expression. Oh ya. He can read minds. Shit.
"Haha. Yes I can shooting star so watch yourself."
Once he was finished wrapping up my arms he passed time the plate of food. I took it and started eating. I was starving after all. What in the hell is he planning on doing to me
"I'm not sure yet shooting star. For now though, i'm just going to do whatever I want though" he smirked and got up and left. I sacrificed everything for my family. And now I'll be at his mercy for the rest of my life. I started to cry after that. What was I going to do

Bills POV

I heard shooting star think that she'd be here for the rest of her life. I laughed to my self
"Trust me shooting star. It will be much longer than that"
Little did Mable know, the spells on her arm were an immortal spell. She wasn't going to die anytime soon, and I wasn't going to lose my new slave anytime soon. 

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