The New Queen

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Mable's POV

"Bill?" I said quietly

"Stay behind me" he said stepping in front of me protectively. "Pyronica, get away from her"

"Ha! No can do bill. It's time for you to get out of the way. Your screwing up our rule on this dimension with her."

"Leave her out of this!"

"I have a better idea" she snapped her fingers and I was tied up by her side. I gasped and looked at bill with fear in my eyes.

" you little bitc-" Bill started to charge at her but she held up a knife

"Oh bill, you wouldn't want her to get hurt now would you?" She held  the knife to my throats and I turned pale. So did Bill. "Stand down bill, or she dies"

This is it, I thought. Theres no way Bill would give up is rule for me.

"Ok" he said putting his hand up "I surrender"


"What?! Bill why would you do that"

"You know why." I couldn't move or speak. What did he just do for me?

"Abigor!" yelled Pyronica towards the demon to her left "Take care of Bill for me" The demon nodded and shot an electric surge at Bill. He didn't even try to dodge it was was knocked down unconscious. At least i hoped he was unconscious and not dead. Oh god please don't be dead Bill.

"Haha!" Pyronica laughed "Finally, now i'm in charge." I stared at Bill on the floor "Take him down to the dungeons, I have fun plans for him" she said with an evil tone. "And as for you" she grabbed me by the throat "You are going to actually learn what it means to be a slave" I gulped and tried to hide my fear with no success. "HA!" she laughed "Tell everyone to get in the throne room for the new queen party!" she yelled and the other demons took off. "And you, teeth" she pointed towards him.

"Yes Pyronica?"

"Take our new slave to the cage in the throne room" She said pushing me to him

"Ahg!" i grunted hitting the floor

"Alright lets go" teeth pulled me up

"No!" i screamed "Let me go!" I thrashed and struggled but it was no use against a demon. He brought me to the cage and threw me in locking the door. I jumped up and pulled on it and hit it for a while but it was no use. I was trapped. Bill was gone. Dipper would never come for me. i was alone. i shrunk to the back of the cage and pulled my knees to my chest and started softly crying.

"Bill" i sniffed "I'm so sorry"

Bill's POV

I woke up on a- wait what demons don't sleep? Dammit, i must have been knocked out. Whatever. I woke up on a cold cement ground in a place that was all to familiar.

"Dammit, i'm in my dungeons" Now i knew there was no chance of escape. i built this place myself. Ha, the irony. I stood up and brushed my self off. the dungeon shut off my powers so i couldn't do anything. I was stuck. Alone.

"Oh Bill" i heard that annoying voice chime. Apparently not that alone.

"Great, because i'm always so happy to see your face" i walk up to the bars and looked at her. she wore a new outfit now that more resembled a ruler. A pink tight dress with a cape and a crown upon her head. Cocky much?

"Oh Bill, don't be like that. We used to like each other. What happened?"

"Okay, first of all, that was 2.5 million years ago. And second, you cheated on me"

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