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Mable's POV

I'm home. I started to tear up. I couldn't believe this. I ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. I used a little more force but it wouldn't budge.
*knock knock*
I took a step back and waited for an answer. I started to hear whispering and mumbling and people running around
"Who's there?" Someone yelled from behind the door
"It's me. Mable" I said anxiously. I wanted to get in the shack as soon as I could in case bill came back.
"Mable?" I heard a different voice perk up. A voice I knew. Dipper
"Dipper?!" I shouted. Suddenly the door swung open and dipper came out.
"Mable!" He ran and hugged me "oh my god your back. Are you okay? Did he hurt you? How are you here? Why did you make that deal? What happened?" Questions flooded out of him. 
"I'm okay" is all I said though. Some questions I would answer later. Some never.
We hugged for what felt like forever until grumble Ford spoke up. I was so busy with dipper I hadn't even noticed him.
"Alright you two let's, get inside." He said nervously. We followed him into the shack, which had been seriously renovated. It looked more like a bunker now. Before I had time to look around I was swarmed by dipper, Ford, friends, candy, Pacifica, Wendy, soos, pretty much everybody. They were all so happy to see me, but honestly, it was over whelming. I just wanted to be alone. Thankfully dipper noticed this.
"Alright everyone, let's give Mable some space." He said taking my hand leading me to he attic.
"We're so glad your back" Ford called out. I looked back and gave a weak smile. I was tired and physically and emotionally weak.
We got up to the attic and dipper closed he door and turned to me.
"Yes" I whispered it more then I meant to
"Are you ok?" He asked a little sternly
"No" I replied knowing I couldn't exactly say yes and get away with it "but don't worry about. Ok?" Dipper sighed and his gaze fell on my arms
"What's that?" He asked lifting up my sleeve that was partially covering my scars. "Did, did he do this to you" he asked tears in his eyes.
"Yes" he looked at the other one.
"What are these symbols?"
"It means i'm immortal" dippers face fell
"Bill wanted me forever, so he made me immortal"
"How did you escape?" He asked changing the subject
"I didn't. He let me go"
"What! Why? Why go through all the trouble of marking the deal and making you immortal just to let you go?"
Because I told him I didn't love him
"I don't know" I lied
"Does this mean he'll come after us"
"No he said the deal still stands, but I've done my part"
"That doesn't make any sense" dipper state confused. "We should talk to Ford about this"
"You go do that. I'm really tired right now though" I said walking to my bed
"Okay. Do you need anything?"
"Maybe some water?" I asked him
"Alright. I'll be right back"
With that he left and the second my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep

Dippers POV

I walked down the stairs where everyone talking. They were all quiet when they saw me coming
"Is she okay" Wendy asked
"Yeah" I lied "she's just tired. I'm going to get her some water but we should let her rest"
"Dipper when your done with that I need to talk to you in the lab" Ford said
"Okay" I replied as I filled a glass with water and headed back up the stairs. By the time I got up there, she was already asleep. I set the water down next to her.
"I love you Mable. I'm glad your back" I whispered before walking out. I made my way down to the lad avoiding everyone as best I could on the way down.
"Hey Ford"
"Dipper, how is she, really"
I looked at the floor "not good"
"What did she tell you"
"Not much. Just that bill made her immortal and-"
"She had these scars on her arms. They look a lot like spells"
"That's not good"
"Can we fix it?"
"I don't know. I'll take a look when she wakes up"
"What else did she tell you? Did she say how she escaped?"
"She said he let her go"
"I don't know. That was all she said"
"That doesn't make any sense"
"I know"
"We'll have to ask her when she wakes up" I nodded my head. "Do you think there's something she's not telling us?" He asked with suspicion
"I mean she's been back for like, thirty minutes. You can't expect everything already especially since she's been sleeping for half that time."
"I know. It just doesn't add up. Her being immortal. Her showing up here randomly. Bill letting her go"
"What do you mean"
"It sounds like a trap"
"You think she's betray us!" I said a little louder hen intended
"No" Ford said calmly "but I do think she purposely left something out" I shook my head and walked back upstairs. I didn't want to have that conversation anymore. But it is weird that her just let her go. I thought. No. I can trust Mable. Right?

Mable's POV

I woke up with a start
"It was just a dream. It was just a dream." I started to repeat to myself. I'm fine now. I looked over and saw a glass of water. Thanks dipper I thought as I took a sip and fell back down on the bed. I was tired, but didn't want to have another nightmare. Instead I stayed awake thinking. I kept reminding myself that I was home. And safe. And bill couldn't get to me. Bill. Bill. Did I make the right decision? I tried so hard but all I could think about was him. His hair, his face, his lips. On mine.
"Ugggg. What's wrong with me" I started to cry. Do I miss bill I thought.

I do.
"I miss Bill"

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