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"Forget that boy, I'm over it" - Little Mix

Haley's POV

Everything at that party sucked. The people, the food, the music, the drinks, and the fact that I was drunk as hell didn't make it any better.

I grabbed another red plastic cup filled with beer and poured it down my throat. I shook my head in disgust. Man how I hated beer. I just drank it for the sake of getting drunk.

I walked over to the kitchen past the speakers that were playing some kind of loud Cher Lloyd shit. I really did consider accidentally spilling my drink on it but then I would have to pay for them. So I just tried to ignore the music as good as possible and got myself a new beer.

I didn't even know why I went to that party. I guess just because it was going to be the last party that the guys in my year were having because in one week, we were going to graduate and all of us were going to go our own way.

"Hey Hal!" Aubrey screamed as she entered the kitchen and got herself a beer as well.

"Hey." I murmured. Whenever I was drunk I got really grumpy but Aubrey already knew that. After all she was the person who forced me to go to most of the parties I've ever been to and since I didn't like these parties, getting drunk was my only option to get through them.

"How is it going?" Aubrey asked but I was definitely not up for small talk.

"Sucks." I said. "Have you seen Evan?"

"Why would I know where your boyfriend is?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders. Right, well then I had to go search him by myself because I didn't want to stay here any longer but he was my ride home.

"I'll go looking for him." I said and went into the living room. "See you later Aubrey."

There were definitely too many people in the living room, chanting and cheering. I kind of felt sorry for the guy who threw the party even though I didn't really know him.

When I let my eyes wander across the living room, I saw Braden sitting uncomfortably on the couch next to a couple making out. I used to have arts class with him every Thursday and we got along quite well.

"Hey Braden." I yelled. "Have you seen Evan?"

Everybody knew that Evan and I were dating. We had started dating in grade nine and I guess we were the couple that had been together for the longest time now. I knew that it was unusual for teenagers to have long-term relationships but Evan and I were special.
We were the perfect match for each other. He was the captain of the school basketball team and I was editor of the school magazine.

"About ten minutes ago." Braden answered and moved on the sofa because the couple was pressing their elbows in his back. "I think he went upstairs."

"Upstairs?" I asked surprised. Usually people went upstairs at a party for smoking weed, having sex or throwing up in the bathroom. Evan was none of the guys who did smoke weed or who drank a lot and who would he have sex with when he was in a relationship with me? "What would he do there?"

Braden shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"I'll just check on him." I said but Braden grabbed my wrist and held me back.

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now