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"Drinking Sangria" - Ed Sheeran

Haley's POV

I hurried into the bathroom and locked the door behind me which locked out the people's laughter.

I went over to lean against the sink, face down. I felt how I started to sweat and shake and I knew that it was happening again.

"Okay don't freak out now." I whispered as I looked for the pills in my bag but my hands were shaking too much.

When I finally grabbed them, I was shaking so much that the pills were chattering in their box. My fingers were weak as I took one pill and put it into my mouth.
Then I leaned against the sink again, starting to count my breaths.





5, 6, 7

I felt myself relax again and breathe in regular intervals. I slowly put the pills back into my bag when someone spoke up behind me.

"You okay?" They asked and I startled so much I turned around too quickly and spilled the pills all over the floor. I fell down onto my knees and started to pick them all up as quickly as I could because I didn't want that guy to see that I was taking medicine.

I was unsure how much he had seen of my panic attack but I just tried to act like nothing had happened.

When I looked up, I noticed that it was Blake sitting in the bath tub, completely wasted.

"What the hell Blake? Haven't you been completely sober only ten minutes ago or something?" I asked as I stood up and looked down at him.
His shirt was unbuttoned and someone had drawn something on his stomach with a marker. A penis. Wow how mature.

His hair was messy and down, falling into his face which looked kind of cute. Rather hot, to be honest.

"Yeah but then Emma arrived with Sangria and I just can't contain myself when there is Sangria." He murmured and I had to suppress a laughter. I didn't know who Emma was but I definitely knew that giving Blake Sangria was a bad idea.

But at least he was too wasted to have noticed my panic attack.

"Aren't you underage?" I asked as I sat down onto the bathroom floor.

"Aren't you a girl?" He asked back and I looked at him questioning.

"What?" I asked. "That's so senseless."

Blake didn't seem to be bothered by it because he just shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in the bath tub. That guy was so drunk. How did he manage that in only ten minutes?

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Blake and he nodded, eyeing my up.

"Sure." Blake mumbled and nodded.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Wow go slow." Blake said holding his hands up in defence. "Sure you're gorgeous but I've only met you twice."

I blushed as he called me gorgeous but then I had to focus on my actual question again.

"That's not what I meant Blake." I told him and rolled my eyes.

"Oh okay." He said. "But to answer your question, I don't have a girlfriend. Why do you ask then?"

"Because I want to know what you would do if you were falling for a girl that is already taken?"

"I don't know." Blake said. "Depends on how much I like her. If it wasn't that much, I'd probably ignore the feelings and hope that they will stop someday but if I fell for her really hard, I'd probably talk to her about it, see if she feels the same. And then I'd talk to her boyfriend."

"How can you be drunk and still say such mature things?" I asked him and he smirked.

"Maybe because I'm mature and a genius?" He said and I snorted. As if.

"Blake, you're sitting in a bathtub, totally wasted. You're the last person I'd call mature." I told him and his face fell. He gave me a killing glance that caused me to giggle. "Sorry."

"But Haley." He said, serious again. "I don't think he likes you that way if you're asking because you want to know that."

"Oh." I said, this time it was me whose face fell. Though I shouldn't have had too high hopes, it hurt to know that George didn't like me the way I started to like him.

"It's not you." Blake quickly said. "You're awesome and I bet boys would kill to be with you but it's just that he loves her so much. Emma's everything he can see and they've been through so much shit."

I paused for a moment. Emma? Wasn't George's girlfriend called Ashley?

"What are you talking about? Who is Emma?" I asked and Blake looked at me in confusion.

"Reece's girlfriend?"

I laughed and rolled my eyes at the same time. God Blake was such a dork.

"How stupid are you Blake? I'm not talking about Reece, I don't even know him!"

"Who are you talking about then?" Blake asked, still confused. He obviously had never doubted that I wasn't talking about George but Reece.

"Never mind." I said and stood up from the bathroom floor. I looked down at him, one eyebrow raised.

"Do you wanna come downstairs with me or do you wanna keep on hanging out in that bathtub?" I asked.

"I think I'll stay here for a couple more minutes." He said. "It's kind of nice in here. Maybe I'll ask George if I can sleep in here tonight."

I laughed about his silliness and shook my head. That guy was so weird.

"Anyway, I'll go then. See you around?"

"Sure." He said and I smiled as I walked to the bathroom door and unlocked it.

"Haley?" He asked and I turned around.


"Check out New Hope Club on YouTube, like and subscribe." He said but I decided to not ask even though this made no sense at all.

"Yeah sure. I will." I said and closed the door behind me. What the hell?

Just as I left the bathroom, I ran against a guy, my face bumping against his chest.

I looked up to see Reece's face right over mine.

"Thank god, finally. I need to pee so badly." He said. "What did you do in there for so long?"

I was about to answer, I had already opened my mouth but Reece interrupted me.

"Never mind." He said and vanished into the bathroom.

"Ooookay." I said to myself as I turned to go. In that very moment, I heard Reece say something inside the bathroom.

"What the hell Blake?" He asked. "What are you doing in the bathtub?"

I giggled while walking downstairs. These guys were just so silly and weird but so funny at the same time. I'd love to hang out with them more often.

Author's Note

Quick question, who is your favourite member of NHC ?

All the love

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