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"Sometimes moms and dads fall out of love" - James TW

Haley's POV

I was woken up by the sunlight that was shining right into my face. Some might say this is the sweetest thing to be woken up to but actually I hated it. Who the hell had left the curtains open? I turned around and my forehead bumped against a nose.

When I opened my eyes I noticed that I wasn't lying in my bed but in George's and that the nose that I had bumped against was his. I smiled as I saw George sleeping because he looked like a child but after a couple of seconds, reality ruined the moment by making me remember what had happened yesterday and why I wasn't in my bed.

George opened his eyes, I guess I had woken him up, and he smiled at me. Waking up to seeing his face was the best thing in the whole wide world and I was looking forward to waking up to it more often. Just as I was enjoying the peaceful silence, someone burst into the room, yelling:

"GOOD MORNING GUYS STOP MAKING OUT, BREAKFAST IS READY!" I didn't need to look up to see that it was Reece who it was. I threw a pillow at him.

"Don't tell me to stop making out when I see that hickey on your neck." I replied even though George and I hadn't even kissed and Reece blushed, showed me his tongue and left the room. I laughed and got up to get dressed. I turned my face to the wall so that my back was facing George and quickly put off his shirt that I had been sleeping in and put on my bra and clothes that I had worn yesterday. When I turned around I saw that George had been watching me.

"Peeping Tom." I said and threw the shirt I had slept in right into his face. He laughed and got up, pulling the brink of his shirt over his head, showing me his bare chest. I blushed by looking at it and turned around shyly but in the corner of my eye I could see that George was smiling about my shyness and decency.

We went downstairs to have breakfast which was actually really nice - I knew food is always nice - but since I've had such a shitty day yesterday, Reece, Blake and Emma had put a lot of effort into the breakfast. The whole kitchen was fraught with the nice smell of baked beans and toast and the coffee was so hot it was steaming.

"This smells so good." I said as I sat down on a chair next to Reece. "Thanks for making breakfast."

"Sure, I hope it makes you feel better." Emma said, addressing my family situation.

"Yes I feel better. I just had to sleep over it." I answered, shoving some baked beans onto my plate. In that very moment someone's phone rang and a second later Blake answered his mobile.

"Hey dad." He said and listened what his dad had to say, then suddenly all the blood vanished from his face and he went pale like a sheet. He nodded though his dad couldn't hear it trough the phone, then he mumbled a couple of yeses and then quit the call.

"Is everything okay?" George asked and Blake shook his head. No obviously nothing was okay.

"What is it?" I asked a bit frightened of what was about to come next. Blake put his phone down and then looked at me, his big brown eyes looking sad.

"My dad said I needed to come home early - today to be exact - because we need to discuss family stuff. It doesn't sound that good to be honest."

After Blake had popped the news, the mood was reserved and after we had finished eating, we silently did the dishes. Well George, Emma and Reece did but I snuck away, pulling Blake with me. I wanted to know what was going on exactly.

"What are you doing?" Blake asked confused as I pulled him into the living room. I turned around and put my finger on my lips, signing him to be quiet. I didn't want the others to notice that we were dodging the chores.
I first started talking when we were inside the living room and had closed the door behind us.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. "You look so sad."

"Nah it's okay." He insisted but I didn't believe him. He looked so sad that it couldn't be okay. No way.

"You can tell me."

"It's just that my parents got divorced about a year ago and my dad wants my sister and me to meet his new girlfriend and her family today and I don't want to because I feel sorry for my mum. I don't think she's over him just yet." Blake said and looked to the ground. I was so sorry for him and I wanted to show so I just hugged him.

"Do you think it's important to your dad?"

"I think so."

"Then you should respect that and his wishes. You can't change the fact that your parents are divorced so you should just support both of them as good as possible." I adviced him and he pressed his lips together. He knew that I was right though the thought of just accepting his dad's new girlfriend didn't appeal to him.

"You can be really glad that you still got your family." He told me and maybe he was right. "Do your parents still love each other?"

"I think so. At least they never argue and kiss a lot so I guess that's a good sign?" I asked and Blake giggled while nodding his head.

"That's a good sign, yes. And do you get along with your parents and your brother?"

"Fairly well, actually." I mumbled because I already knew in what direction he was heading.

"Then you should be glad that you have them. They love you and obviously you love them and it doesn't matter if you're related by blood. Blood doesn't define family. George is family to me. Reece is and Emma is and so are you. And we are not related." Blake said and before he saw it coming I had already hugged him passionately. I held him as tight as I could because this was the best and most convincing advice I've gotten in a long time.

"Thank you Blake." I whispered. "I think that's what I needed. I think I'll go home today."

"And so will I." He answered, pulling back and smiling at me. "I guess I'll better get my stuff packed, hu?"

"You should." I agreed and grinned at Blake. Yes, the boys were definitely family to me too.

Author's Note

Oh my god I'm so bad at updating recently, I'm sorry.

I have worked on the first chapter of my Blake fanfiction that's gonna be published as soon as I've finished no promises which isn't too long anymore. 😏

I could tell you the title of the Blake story in the next chapter but only if you guys get active because you've been a bit quiet recently. 😏😏

Okay anyway, I don't know anything about Blake's story and I don't know if his parents are divorced. I made this up because it's called fiction for a reason.

Also thank you for 3K reads ! ❤️❤️

All the love, xx

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now