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"I don't wanna hide us away." - Little Mix

Haley's POV


Since Blake just had called me a nice piece of ass I decided to not come downstairs but keep on lying in bed.

"I can't hear you!" I yelled back.

"Get your nice ass down here!!!!" Blake screamed. Nope, he would not get me to move that way.

"WHAT??" I yelled as loud as I could, checking my phone, bored.

"LUNCH IS READY!!!!" Blake responded and within a second I had thrown my phone away, jumped up and ran downstairs.

Hurrying down the stairs, I tripped and fell down four steps. I landed face first, my four extremities sprawled out on the floor. I moaned, a mixture of pain and annoyance.

"Tripping over myself!" Reece started singing Shawn Mendes' stitches while laughing his ass off. I looked up, giving him a glance that could kill.

"Seriously?" I asked. "I could have died."

"Cause lately I've been falling face first for you." Blake sang Jack and Jack's Falling.

"Well George? Any other song to mock me falling down the stairs?" He looked up at the ceiling, thinking.

"Raindrops... Keep falling on my head?" He sang hesitantly, obviously finding no song that would fit the situation.

We all groaned and I stood up.

"No offence mate but that was weak." Reece said and George fake-pouted.

"Well at least I didn't make fun of Haley hurting herself." George defended himself and went over to the table to eat. We all followed him. "She could have been seriously injured."

"Right?" I said. "I could have been paralysed and since it was your fault that I fell down the stairs you would have to wipe my ass because I can't move."

"It wasn't our fault! It's because you're a glutton and jealous about food." Blake said in defence and I snorted.

"Excuse me but are we talking about me or about you?" I shot back but tried to suppress a laughter.

"Guys, while you are arguing about who's fault it is, George is finishing the whole food." Reece intervened but Blake and I both turned around to him.

"We're not arguing." Blake said.

"Right, we're discussing."

"Totally." Blake agreed.

"Doesn't change the fact that you can go eat at McDonalds if you don't stop discussing and start eating because George will have finished anytime soon."

At these words George looked up, pasta stuffed in his mouth.

"McDonalfffss?" George asked, chewed and swallowed. "Seriously? Why didn't you say that before?"

"Why would I? We have plenty of pasta here." Reece said, pointing at the pasta that George was currently eating.

"Yeah but no offence mate, this tastes like shit." George said and I had to put my hand over my mouth to not laugh out loud. "Reece you just can't cook. Fortunately Emma can so I don't feel too sorry for your kids."

Next thing I saw was Reece taking a handful spaghetti and throwing it right into George's face. I tipped over, laughing but I probably shouldn't have done it because George smacked a hand full of spaghetti down on the back of my neck as revenge for me laughing.

"This means war." I whispered intimidatingly and threw myself at George. His chair fell over, me on top of him.

Then I took spaghetti and tried to put them into his mouth while yelling: "Eat them or die."

I felt hands around my waist, trying to pull me away from George. As I looked up, I saw that it was Blake trying to get me off George but he didn't get to do so because Reece pushed him and Blake tipped over and fell to the ground.

"He offended my cooking skills! Do you wanna be next for defending this traitor???" Reece asked Blake, pointing at me who was still smudging pasta on George's face.

Blake shook his head hectically.

"Good, and now get up and eat. Nobody leaves without eating my pasta." Reece demanded and Blake sat down at the table, looking like a remorseful puppy.

I decided that I had tortured George enough for today and got off him.

'What did we learn today?" George asked. "Never fuck with Haley or else you've got pasta all over your face."

"Never fuck with Reece!!" Reece exclaimed because after all he was the person who had started it.

We all sat down at the table again and ate the few spaghetti that were left from our little fight when we heard the doorbell rang.

"Who is this?" Blake asked. "Emma is supposed to come on Wednesday." Today was Monday, by the way.

"Surprise!!" Reece cheered and jumped up. "She texted me this morning that my parents came home early to look after Amy so she could come here today."

"That's great!" I said, really excited about finally meeting Emma but Reece didn't even hear my words anymore because he had already run to the door to let Emma in.

I heard their voices speaking, then a short silence which let me reason that they were kissing. I gave George a side glance and I felt how jealousy started to creep in. Why couldn't we be like that?

Emma and Reece entered the kitchen together. Emma looked so much different than I had pictured her in my mind. Her hair was light blonde and short, her figure petite. She was simply beautiful.

She held a key up in her hand, waving. "Hey guys, brought a car with me."

"Nice! We could drive down to that town with that nice ice cream shop that Reece had been talking about." George said, jumped up and hugged Emma. As he did I felt how I got even more jealous. I wanted to hug George like that too but I had to stay away from him.

Blake hugged her as well, then Emma turned to me.

"You must be Haley! Nice to finally meet you, George has told me a lot about you." Emma said and pulled me in for a hug which I was quite surprised about. But I guess she just saw every friend of the New Hope Club boys as her friend.

"He has?" I asked surprised and I was quite annoyed that it made my heart beat faster.

"24/7." She winked at me and sat down on the chair next to me. George hit her arm to make her shut up but when he wasn't looking she leaned in and whispered: "He won't shut up about you."

Though I tried not to, I couldn't stop grinning the whole day long. The thought of George talking about me 24/7 just made my heart beat faster and my head spin like a windmill. (A/N: See what I did here)

Author's Note

Now that it's almost summer I feel like my hair is getting really blonde! Though my natural hair colour is brown.
What's your hair colour?

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1 K reads! You guys rock.

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By the way, short warning. Drama coming in the next two chapters, so prepare yourself 😏

All the love xx

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now