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"Kill 'em with kindness" - Selena Gomez

- Four weeks later -

Haley's POV

Four weeks had passed since I had found out that I was adopted by my aunt and uncle and that the person who I had thought my aunt was, was actually my biological mother.
Anyway, it didn't change the fact that aunt Jane had never been a mother to me and that she would never be more than an aunt to me and my adoptive parents would always be my family.

The best thing about my family was that they loved George almost as much as I did and since I was with George I had not even once wasted a thought on that asshole Evan that used to be my boyfriend again. On a scale of one to ten, Evan was a negative 5 and George was a two-hundred.

Even my mum said so and I had to remind her that she was 46 and talking about my boyfriend not some George-Clooney-like actor even though George Smith played in a band that was pretty cool.

Though we had tried to avoid it, fans had discovered that George and I were a couple and soon it was all over the Internet. We were careful to never post a selfie or picture together because I was afraid of receiving hate and George didn't want me to be hated on but whenever somebody wrote a nasty comment, the boys thought of funny ways to comment back.

Today I went to London with Blake to get some shopping done before I was going to move to Cambridge. I needed some cool furniture and decoration for my dorm room as well as some school stuff.

"Let's go to Marks and Spencer." I said as soon as we left the underground. Blake shook his head, laughing. I rose and eyebrow, giving him a sceptical look. What was wrong with Marks and Spencer? It was like the best shop in the whole wide world. "What?"

"You're only gonna end up buying unnecessary stuff! I know you too well." Blake said and though it was true, I didn't want to admit it. So what? Who cares?

"So?" I put my hands on my hips, looking at him strictly. Blake just waved me off, rolling his eyes.

"Forget it. Let's go?"

"Boys." I mumbled and Blake stuck out his tongue at me.

• • •

Three hours and six shopping bags later Blake and I let ourselves fall down onto a seat in the tube totally exhausted and me a bit more happy and optimistic than Blake. He looked like he was done with his life.

"Remind me to never go shopping with you again." Blake said, leaning his head back on the back rest of the seat.

"But then nobody's gonna buy you fluffy stuffed rabbits." I said, pointing down at the the giant cuddly toy that was sitting on his lap. A white and enormous rabbit with a pink bow on its head. Cute.

"I didn't want..."

"What? You didn't want to leave the shop without it?" I asked even though I knew exactly that he wanted to say that he didn't want the stuffed rabbit. "That's why I bought it for you. I saw the look on your face.

"Fuck you." Blake said and I blew him a kiss.

"Love you."

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now