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"Truth is harder than a lie" - Francesca Battistelli

Haley's POV

Me: I'm at Aubrey's place, I'll be home late. Love you xx

Mum: Okay, thanks for texting. I'm gonna go to bed now, see you tomorrow then xo

I put my phone away and looked at the clock above the sofa. It was two in the morning and all that I had done since I had been in the bathroom with Blake, was sit on the couch and talk to several people while trying to not drink. I knew George didn't like it when I drank and even though I shouldn't change for anybody, I wanted to change for him.

Only a couple minutes later my phone buzzed. It was an incoming message from my brother.

Grayson: Mum said you were at Aubrey's place?!?! Where are you really?

Grayson: I'll come pick you up.

Grayson: Are you drunk?

I smiled at how concerned my brother was.

Me: I'm all good. No worries. I'll walk home

Grayson: No way, I'll pick you up, where are you?

Me: Gray, I'm 18, I'm good.

"Who are you texting?" Someone said and jumped over the backrest onto the sofa. I looked to my left to see George right next to me.

Okay? So we were at that point when we pretended that nothing had happened between us? Awesome. Totally awesome.

"My brother." I told George.

"You have a brother?" He asked and I nodded in confirmation. "I wish I had one."

"He's pretty annoying most of the time." I said because it was totally true. Gray and I didn't argue a lot but he would always tease me but I guess all big brothers did that to their little sisters.

"Tell me more about you." George said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"There is nothing much to tell about me." I said and he tilted his had and looked at me sceptically.

"I'm sure there is."

"Not really but I'll try anyway. So I'm Haley Amalie Wilson, I'm 18 years old and I just graduated school. I will go to college in September. I have just defriended all my friends and I'm totally desocialised. What about you?"

George scratched the back of his neck.

"Well I'm George Smith - I'm not gonna tell you my middle names because they are the most embarrassing thing in the world, I'm 18 years old and I'm in a band called New Hope Club."

"New Hope Club?" I asked surprised and George looked up at me.

"Have you heard of us before?"

"No but Blake told me to subscribe to New Hope Club on YouTube. Is he in the band? Because it all makes sense now."

"Yeah he is in the band." George laughed. "Reece is too."

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now