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"Them thoughts in your brain 'bout that fuckboy who played you like your love was a game
I can't sit back, be frank
I can't sit here and watch you in pain 'cause I was here to save you" - Jack and Jack

Haley's POV

The pain first set in at four in the morning. I knew exactly what was going to happen next so I went to the bathroom. I hated my period.

Despite the pain, I fell asleep again and was woken by it again at nine in the morning. Blake was still sleeping next to me, decently on the other side of the bed, and since I didn't hear any noises from downstairs, I assumed that George and Reece were in their room. Until Emma would arrive George could sleep in one bed with Reece.

I quietly got up and went over to my suitcase to look for the painkillers, intent on making no noises. I looked for them everywhere, in every stupid corner of my bag but I just couldn't find them. I must have forgotten them at home.

The pain was getting stronger now and I started freaking out because the first day of my period made me feel like dying and there was no way that I was going to survive it.

I must have woken up Blake with my rummaging in my suitcase because he started talking all of a sudden.

"What are you looking for?" He asked. I looked up at him. He leaned on his elbow, his naked upper body was more or less covered by the blanket and his hair was a mess, his eyes sleepy.

"Never mind." I said. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Don't worry." He said. "I never sleep in anyway."

Total lie, buddy, total lie.

George had told me that it was Blake who hated to be woken up in the morning.

"You look pale." Blake stated. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, totally. Fine. Brilliant." God I could have slapped myself, I was such a terrible liar.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." I said and went back into bed, rolling myself up like an embryo.

"I'll wake up the boys so we can have breakfast." Blake said and I nodded. As soon as he had left the room, I turned around and groaned in pain.

I just laid in bed until the boys came upstairs and into my room. They all let theirselves fall down on top of me but I just kept on hiding between the sheets.

"Morning." George said and I mumbled something back.

"Having a bad day?" Reece asked and I hid my face in the sheets even more.

"I don't feel well." I said, avoiding Blake's gaze because I had lied to him earlier.

"What is it?" George asked, concerned immediately which I might have found cute if I hadn't felt like my abdomen was ripping apart.

"I don't know. Stomach age."

"Do you want to have breakfast?" Reece asked and I shook my head.

"I just wanna sleep." I said.

The boys left the room but I heard them mumbling in the hallway about how I could get that sick that quickly. Well it's totally easy. Be a girl, it'll happen faster than you can say 'period'.

After the boys had breakfast they came up to my room again to ask if I felt better and if I wanted to come downstairs but I didn't so they decided to rehearse for tour.

I heard their music through the walls and they were really good. I enjoyed listening to their voices and it distracted me from the pain for a few minutes.

I must have fallen asleep because I was woken by the sound of the door opening and someone lying down next to me.

I knew the person was watching me but I didn't open my eyes just yet. I just pretended to sleep.

The person softly touched my face, thinking I was still asleep. He stroked a strand of hair out of my face and stroked my cheeks.

As I opened my eyes I saw George lying next to me, watching me.

"This is creepy." I said. "You watching me sleep is creepy."

"I think it's cute." He said and maybe he was right.


"On what?"

"How long you've been watching me." I smirked.

"I didn't want to wake you up but I wanted to check how you're feeling ." George said.

"Don't worry." I said. "I don't feel better though."

"Do you have any clue what it could be?" George asked and drew lines on the back of my hand. I smiled at this.

I didn't answer because it felt too embarrassing. I could have told any girl but Evan found it gross whenever I had my period. Instead I just hid my face in the pillow again.

"Is it... uhm... girls problems?" George asked and as I looked up I noticed that I wasn't the only one who was blushing.

"Yeah..." I said hesitantly.

"Uhmmm how bad is it?"

"The first day is the worst. I always feel like I'm dying, don't feel anything the other days. But the thing is I forgot the painkillers at home."

"God, Haley, why didn't you tell? We could have just went down the street, bought you some painkillers and you wouldn't have to lay here like that the whole morning." George said as if it was totally normal to talk to a guy you wanted to impress about your period. Come on.

"No it's embarrassing."

"As if it was embarrassing. Every girl has her period and if they didn't, there wouldn't be any babies. Who told you that shit?" It was kind of cute how George got so upset over me thinking it was embarrassing.

"Evan said it's gross and embarrassing." I said sheepishly.

"Well then should Evan just shut up. You know what's digusting? To sleep with every girl that crosses your way." George said, getting really annoyed over this subject. "Don't you ever think again this is disgusting or embarrassing or anything. Ever."

I smiled at his words. "George, this is actually one of the cutest things I've ever heard a boy say to me."

I said but preach was all I thought. Why couldn't everybody think like George did. The world would be a much better place for sure.

"It's true though." He said and stood up. "I'm gonna go to the pharmacy and get you your painkillers now. And some chocolate on the way."

He said and went to the door but I called his name so he stopped and turned around to me.



"The boys don't need to know that I'm on my period." I said and he nodded.

"Of course." He said, gave me a smile and then closed the door behind him.

My smile was wide as I lay in bed, waiting for George. He had such a pure heart, and I wondered how I did deserve him.

Author's Note

Aww isn't he sweet? Can someone please buy me chocolate?

Short chapter I know but I've got a really bad headache and I have to study so I don't think I'll update any more today.

Anyway, please don't forget to vote!

Love you lots xx

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now