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"It's hard when we argue, we're both stubborn I know" - Harry Styles

Haley's POV

I sat at my desk, my phone in front of me. I didn't do anything but stare at the display.

Me: Hey

Was all that the message said that I had sent to him. He had read it and then had gone offline again.

Me: It's Haley :)

I added. He went online within a couple of seconds and then typed.

George: Hey :) are you ok?

My heart skipped a beat and I grabbed my phone.

Me: I'm over that guy

Me: Most of the time at least

George: Do you want to meet up and talk?

Me: Sorry I shouldn't have texted you. You have a girlfriend, you should probably meet up with her

I typed but deleted it before pressing the send button, instead I texted:

Me: Sure... What time and where?

George: At my place in two hours time?

I hesitated. At his place? Alone? How would that look like to his girlfriend?

George: Reece and Blake are there as well

He added and I sighed in relief.

Me: Okay send me the address.

• • •

There was loud music playing inside the house and there were lights flashing through the windows.

I looked down at my phone to see that it was 8:00 pm and to check the address a second time to make sure I was at the right house.

I definitely was.

I went to the front door, rang the bell and waited a couple of seconds. When nobody answered the door, I rang the bell again.

The door was burst open and George stood right in front of me. He was wearing a pink hoodie and black jeans.

"I'm so sorry." Was the first thing he said. "I didn't know they were having a party."

"But isn't it like your house?" I asked. "And who is 'they'?"

"Reece and Blake." He answered. "They basically live here."

"I hate parties." I told him and he pouted.

"I know. Do you wanna go for a walk instead?"

"No!" I said way too quickly and way too loudly. On one side I wanted to walk with him for hours and just talk but on the other side it just felt wrong to me because I felt so attracted by him and I knew he had a girlfriend. "I mean, it's fine."

"Okay?" George just asked and pulled me inside.

"HALEY!" I heard somebody scream my name and I turned around in surprise to see Reece running towards me with his arms wide open to embrace me.

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now