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"If you like going places we can't even pronounce...
Then baby you're perfect" - One Direction

Haley's POV

"Good morning, sleepy." Someone whispers planting soft kisses on my nose and both my eyelids then next to my ear. "Haley, we have to get up." He continues kissing down my jawline.

"Geooorge." I moan. "Let me sleep. It's Saturday and I'm fucking tired." I roll onto my back, pressing the pillow to my face so the sunlight won't hit my eyes.

"But Haley, I have a surprise for you." George places himself on top of me, one leg on each side, pulling the pillow away from me and forcing me to open my eyes. A shirtless George is really a sight for sore eyes, but as much as I love waking up to it, I need my weekendly beauty sleep.

"What kind of surprise?" I ask and glance over to the alarm clock on George's bedside table. It's 6:05am. Why is George even up that early? He likes to sleep in normally.

"I won't tell you yet, but it's the last weekend before you start your studies and I wanted to take you somewhere cool." He starts bouncing on the bed like a little child, clear evidence he's more than just excited.

But he's right. I'm gonna start studying English at Cambridge University on Tuesday and I'm really looking forward to it. On the other hand I won't be able to see George that often any more since I'll be away all week only visiting my parents at the weekend and the boys are planning to support the Vamps on their next world tour meaning we'll hardly see each other the next few months.

"Okay, I'll get up. Do I need to get dressed for any special occasion?" I push George off my legs, but just as I'm about to escape the bed, his hands pull me back next to him. "What is it?" I ask him.

"I know I said we need to get up, but I'm sure we still have five more minutes for kissing" He whispers before pulling me into a deep kiss.

• • •

George and I are standing inside the St. Pancras train station and I still have no clue where we're about to head. George already got the tickets for us and now he's getting a bit nervous checking his watch every other second as if waiting for someone.

I just watch his face as his expression changes from excited, but relaxed over slightly nervous to fretful and fraught. I love George's features and after all these months we've been together now I still catch myself staring at him from time to time. Today he's looking even better than usually with his blond hair reflecting in the morning sun that shines through the windows. Plus he's wearing my favourite sweater, the pinkish-rosé one.

"Haley, I have to tell you something." He says after a few minutes. "Blake wanted to join us, but if he isn't here in two minutes we'll have to leave without him or else we won't catch the train." In that moment I descry Blake on the other end of the train station.

"Don't ask why he's joining our romantic weekend trip, it's just that he still has a rough time with his parents being divorced." George explains before Blake reaches us and the three of us start sprinting towards our gate and we're inside the train before I can even read the sign of where we're going.

As we're seated in the train the first thing George does is going to grab us some breakfast since we haven't eaten yet. I'm sitting across from Blake who's eyes look like two burnt holes in a blanket. I know that his parents' divorce is still stressing him out even though he doesn't want to talk about it, but I've never seen him looking so bad.

"Blake?" I slide into the seat next to his. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, Haley." He simply says although it's obvious that nothing is okay.

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now