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"Got your voice in my head saying "Let's just be friends"
Can't believe the words came outta your mouth" - One Direction

Haley's POV

The following week went by way too slowly. Though Reece, Blake and Emma tried everything to cheer me up, all I could think about was George, how he was doing, why he had left that quickly and what I would say to him on Sunday when I was going to see him.

And now that it was Sunday I didn't want to leave because I was afraid of what was to come next. I was afraid that when I saw George again he would say that this between us would never happen.

"Are you ready?" Reece asked, waking me up from my daydream. I was leaning against the car, George's mum was already sitting in the drivers seat but the boys and Em were still packing things inside the boot.

"Yes." I said though everything inside me screamed NO.  At the end of the day I had to face my fears and never hide yet I was afraid.

I opened the door of the car and got inside.

"Thank you for picking us up Mrs Orchard." I said to George's mum and she turned around and smiled at me.

"Call me Natasha. George's friends are family." She said which was really nice but the word 'friends' made me swallow. Yeah... friends.

"Well thank you anyway, Natasha." I said again right when the boys and Emma got inside the car as well. Reece sat in the passenger seat and I was sandwiched by Emma and Blake in the back.

"Yeah thank you." Reece said who had heard my words.

"No problem." Natasha said. "Why did George come home earlier actually? He didn't want to tell me, did you have a fight or argument or something?"

We all gave each other meaningful glances then Blake coughed and spoke up.

"Yeah some kind of argument." He said and Natasha just nodded. Friends do argue sometimes. There was it again. Friends.

I put on my headphones and listened to some music to forget the world around me.

I must have fallen asleep somehow because when I woke up the car was coming to hold in the drive.

"So wake up your sleeping heart." Reece sang as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Are we home already?" I asked, wiping the sleep off my eyes. Whenever I fell asleep in the car I was so damn confused after waking up again.

"Yeah and you did snore while you were sleeping." Blake told me and I blushed. Well that was embarrassing.

"No worries, I was just messing but to be honest, you drooled a bit." Blake added and laughed but I slapped the back of his head which made him stop. He gave me a killing glance and I showed him the finger.

"Jeez, you're like ten year olds." Reece complained, got out of the car and opened the door on Emma's side. What a gentlemen.

After getting our luggage from the boot, everybody went inside because they were going to stay at George's place but since I lived down the street, I said my goodbyes to everybody, got my bag and made my way down the street to my house.

I was sad that I hadn't met George today but I was kind of glad at the same time. Though I knew that he was inside the house I thought that it was probably the best thing for both of us if we kept a distance for now.
And I didn't want to have that conversation just yet to be honest because I was so not ready for this.

I was half way down the street when I heard footsteps behind me and somebody approaching. I didn't bother to turn around until somebody said my name. I would have recognised that voice any time. I spun around to see George standing in front of me.

We didn't say anything, we just stared at each other, his gaze consuming me in such an intense way that it almost took my breath.

I opened my mouth to simply say 'hey' but I didn't get that far because his lips crashed down on mine, shutting me up.

For a second I let it happen, I don't know why. Maybe I was too surprised and too confused about the kiss or maybe I was just too weak for a second to stop but when I was sane again, I pushed him away.

I gave him a look saying 'who the fuck shit in your brain?' and before I could think about it I slapped him.

Totally shocked about my own action I took a step back and covered my mouth with my hands. I didn't intend on slapping him and I immediately felt sorry but then I remembered that he just couldn't walk around and kiss girls like that when he was taken.

"Why did you do that?" George asked, covering the side of his face with his hand. He looked a bit disappointed and hurt. Mentally hurt, not really physically.

"Because the last time we kissed was a huge mistake and you should actually know that but if you assume that you can just kiss me again when you're still with another girl, then you're wrong because I'm not doing this. I don't even know what got into me last time." I said without taking a breath so when I was finished I had to gasp for air.

George shook his head and scratched the back of his head. Then he started laughing nervously and I started to get actually really mad at him. How could he laugh about it? Did he think I was ridiculous?

"Maybe I should have told you that I broke up with Ashley before I kissed you?" He said and for a second I just stared at him, completely overwhelmed by what he had just said.

Had he just said that he had broken up with Ashley? Had I heard it right or was it just my imagination? I blinked in confusion.

"You did?" I breathed and he nodded and before he could say anything else, I squealed and hugged him.

It didn't even take him a second to wrap his arms around me and to spin me around. As I didn't stop squealing, George laughed and set me down to the ground again but instead of letting go of me, he put his hand in the crook of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.

A proper kiss, not just a peck on the lips but a kiss that made you weak in the knees and long for more.

But then I pulled away when a realisation hit me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry for slapping you." I said, examining his cheek. "I thought you were still with Ashley and..."

I didn't get to finish the sentence because George picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I started laughing and trying to free myself but his grip was way too strong.

"Don't worry, I'm a man I can take it." He said but as I started laughing he gave me a slap on the ass that made me squeal and laugh even more. "And now woman, I will take you to your room and do what I have been waiting to do for way too long."

"And what is that?" I asked.

"Kissing you until your lips are sore." He said.

Author's Note

I'm sorry that I'm so shitty at updating and that the chapters are so short but I'm just not in the mood to write. But I will try to update more often again.

Hope you're having a great day everyone!

All the love, xx

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