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"Tell me, does she look at you the way I do?" - He Is We

Haley's POV

I stormed outside, George following closely behind me. I went a bit down the street so Reece and Blake couldn't see us through the huge glass window from inside.

After a minute of walking I spun around.

"What was that?" I asked George who looked to the ground. He obviously felt ashamed and uncomfortable about his actions but I didn't care because he had made me feel uncomfortable back in that bar as well.

"I... I don't know." George said. "I'm sorry."

"No George, this is not done with an apology because you know what feeling I've got?" I asked. "I have the feeling that you are into me."

Please just laugh and say that I'm ridiculous, I hoped but he stared down at his nervously moving hands.

Oh god, I had been right. I closed my eyes and let that sink in.

The problem was that I was into him as well but this couldn't happen. Never. George had a girlfriend and I would not be a boyfriend stealing, selfish bitch.

"Listen George, this cannot happen. Never. Not as long as you're with Ashley." I said and as he took a step towards me, I took a step back.

"I know." George said. "But the thing is, ever since I met you I just can't stop thinking about you. I don't want to but whenever I hear your voice or see your name pop up in my phone I just picture everything we could be."

"Stop, George. This is so wrong and I'm not gonna do this."

"I know that it's wrong! But what shall I do about it? I can't just tell my heart to stop messing with me, that's not how it works."

"Then figure something out!" I yelled desperately, some people who were passing by turning around. I shot them a killing glance that made them mind their own business.

"Wow yeah, clever and how am I supposed to do that?" George asked, folding his hands behind his neck, letting out a deep breath.

"Yeah what do I know?" I said. "But can't you imagine how I feel? Seeing you having a girlfriend when all I can do is stare at your damn lips and all that I want is to kiss you?"

George stared at me. "Wait. You like me too?"

"Of course I like you, you idiot!" I cried out. "Or else it wouldn't bother me so much that you are into me."

"This makes no sense at all." George stated and I covered my face with my hands.

"Of course it does. If you didn't like me, I could just move on and the other way round would be the same but if we like each other, we are definitely about to do something wrong. We're about to cheat, George, and I don't want to do this."

"Do you think I want to hurt Ashley? I just try to figure out what's best for everybody."

"I think it would be best if we both moved on, ignored our feelings and if you stopped being so damn jealous because you're not making this any easier for me!" I said and turned away. I couldn't bear looking at him anymore.

"I don't share that opinion." George said, moving closer to me and this time I didn't take a step back. And when he slung his arms around me for a hug, all I did was let my forehead sink down onto his shoulder. "I will figure that out. I will break up with Ashley, I mean it wasn't working out anyway. I'll sacrifice that for you because being with you is more important to me than anything in the world."

Yeah that was easy to say but I doubted that he was really going to break up with Ashley. And even if he did, it still was me who had ruined the relationship then. In my opinion we should just get over it.

But instead of telling him that, I said: "Okay but until you sorted that mess out, we won't sneak around or anything. We'll be just friends because I'm not willing to betray Ashley because I know what it feels like to be cheated on."

"Okay. I got this, we'll figure it out, I promise."

Don't make promises you can't keep, George, I thought but didn't say it. Instead I slung my arms around his upper body and enjoyed our hug.

In that moment my phone rang. I freed myself out of George's embrace and answered the call.

"Haley where are you right now?" Grayson asked.

"Where are you?" I asked back while smiling at George who took my hand, playing with my fingers as I was talking on the phone.

"Still at work but I'll leave in 5." Grayson worked as a barista at Starbucks next to Globe Theatre and his working hours varied form 8 in the morning to 10 in the evening. It was currently 9 which was an unusual time for him to leave.

"I'm in Bermondsey, near Tower Bridge." I said.

"What did you do in Bermondsey?"

"Long story short, I'm becoming a filmstar." I joked.

"Okay I don't even ask." Gray laughed.

"Shall I pick you up and we drive home together?"

I looked at George questioning who shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait as sec." I told Grayson and pressed the mic of my phone against my shirt so Gray wouldn't hear mine and George's conversation.

"How are you gonna get home?" I asked.

"I guess someone's gonna drive me." He shrugged his shoulders. "Blake and Reece are gonna take the train back to their homes today - they live at the other side of England - so I guess I'll either get an uber or Joe to drive me."

"My brother is gonna give us a lift." I said and before George could object, I spoke into my phone. "Yeah that would be nice. Can we take George home as well? He just lives down the street, two minutes from our house."

"Yeah sure." Grayson said. "I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Thanks Gray!! I'll send you our location. I love you."

"I love you too..." He said but then added: "Sometimes."

I finished the call and looked up at George who was staring down at my lips.

"Don't even think about kissing me." I told him and put my finger on his chest, warning.

"But that's all I do ever since I met you." George whispered underneath his breath but I heard it.

"And don't even attempt to flirt with me as long as you're still taken." I said and turned around to get my stuff from inside the bar and to say goodbye. "My brother will be here in 20, let's get our stuff and say goodbye."

"Okay." George said, following me inside.

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now