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"You look like my next mistake" Taylor Swift

Haley's POV

"Why don't you sit with your friends?" My mum asked and stroked through my hair. Well because they all betrayed me? I thought but of course I didn't say that.

"Because I want to spend this special day with you." I said but that was a total lie. Graduating wasn't that special.

Every student from my year and their parents were currently sitting in the auditorium, waiting for their name to be called so they could go and get their leaving certificate. They were also asked what they were going to do after school and everybody was already certain about it and then there was me.

I knew what college I would go to and what I would study but I was doing that because that's what I was interested in but I had no clue what I could become after I had graduated from college.

"That's sweet of you." My mum said and Grayson gave me a sceptical glance. I quickly looked away and looked at Evan who was sitting next to Aubrey.


They looked at me but quickly looked away when they noticed that I was already staring at them.

There was a bruise underneath Evan's eye and to know that I did that, was pure satisfaction.

Gray followed my gaze, looked at Evan, then down at my bruised hand and put two and two together. He nodded at me proudly and I had to grin.

I had the coolest and most amazing brother in the whole wide world.

"Haley Wilson."

All of a sudden my name was called.
I stood up and headed to the stage to get my leaving certificate and then go back to my seat as quickly as possible.

"Haley Wilson." The principal said. "One of the best students that ever went to our school. It's a pity you have to leave."

Why thanks but you can stop now, it's getting embarrassing, I thought.

"What are you gonna do after school?" He asked me the same question as everybody else before.

"I'm gonna study English at Cambridge University." I hadn't told anybody but my family before, not even Evan or Aubrey.

They looked at me in shock but all I did was give them a glance saying 'I don't need you'. I knew that Cambridge was a big thing and to be accepted was really hard but I had already received a letter of acceptance.

I took my leaving certificate and went back to my seat as quickly as possible. As I sat down, my dad put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder.

"I'm proud of you." He said.

"Thank you." It meant a lot to me to hear that because I've never done this for myself but to do my family proud.

Since I had been one of the last persons whose names were to be called, the graduation ceremony was soon over and we left the school.

I was so glad that I never had to walk into that building anymore. I've always used to like going to school until I found out that everybody had betrayed me. I never wanted to see their faces again.

"Do you want to go have lunch?" Mum asked me and I quickly nodded my head yes. I was starving!

"Where do you wanna go?" Dad asked and me and my brother looked at each other and smirked.

"Nando's!" We said at the same time and started laughing. Me and my brother loved this place.

"What a surprise." Mum said sarcastically and went to walk with my dad. Me and my brother let us fall behind and I immediately knew what he wanted to talk to me about.

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now