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"We don't have to talk cause talk is cheap" - The Vamps

Haley's POV

We both ran up the stairs, not saying hello to anyone of my family. George let my bag fall down at the door before following me upstairs really quickly.

We both giggled like little kids while entering my room and closing the door behind us. As I felt George's intense gaze on me, I looked to the ground shyly and before I could say anything, he laughed and softly pushed me back. The hollows of my knee met my bed and I was forced to sit down.

George smiled as he kissed my knuckles and then let himself fall down next to me. I turned around so I could kiss him softly but he put his hand in my hair and made the kiss more urging, more demanding.

I sighed because it felt so good but I broke the kiss anyway.

"Maybe we should talk first?" I asked hesitantly but he shook his head immediately.

"We can talk later." He whispered and put his mouth onto mine again and he didn't need to persuade me because his touch was enough persuasion.

We were kissing for way too long, I had already lost track of time when the door of my room burst open and my brother entered the room.

"Haley have you used my razor again to shave your legs? This is disg..." He stopped abruptly when he noticed that I wasn't alone. "What the hell?"

George and I turned around and I crawled a bit backwards to get some distance between us. Jesus what was it with us being interrupted whenever we made out?

"GRAYSON!" I yelled and threw my pillow at him. "GET OUT YOU DICKHEAD."

"Sorry!" He said and closed the door behind him to open it again a second later. "Wait, is that the friend of your friend?"

"GET OUT!!" I yelled again and threw a shoe at him this time but it only ricocheted at the door. Too bad.

I turned to George but when I saw the look on his face I covered my face with my arms, let myself fall back on the bed and sighed. "God this is so embarrassing."

"Friend of a friend?" George asked and I sighed again.

"My asshole brother saw you walking me home and asked who you were and I didn't want to tell because he would have teased me the whole time."

"Cute." George said and I blushed even more at him calling me cute.

"Anyway, now that we got interrupted we can actually talk." I said and George's corners of his mouth dropped which made me laugh.

"Okay." He said. "After I just drove off that night I went straight to Ashley's flat and broke up with her. That's it, basically."

"How did she react?"

"She was pissed, I don't think she's really hurt or sad, just mad."

"Okay and did you say that it is because of me?" I asked.

"I said there is another girl." He smiled as he said those words and put his hand over mine. I smiled back at him though I felt a bit guilty for ruining their relationship.

George reached out his hand for me and touched my cheek. A scar on his forearm caught my eye and my heart skipped a beat. I had seen that very same scar somewhere before, I just didn't know where but I didn't doubt that it was the same.

Pictures flashed through my mind, leaving me completely confused.

• • •

A little girl, not older than four and a blonde boy, a head taller than her, were playing on the fairground. They were both sitting on a swing, laughing and squealing.

"I bet I can jump off the swing when it's at the highest point." The boy said, trying to impress the girl.

"I bet you don't dare!" The girl answered but she didn't really get to finish because the boy had already jumped off the swing.

He didn't land on his feet but his knees and arms instead. As he turned around on the ground, crying, he had a big cut on his forearm that was bleeding.

• • •

I blinked and shook my head to shake the pictures off my mind. What the hell was that?

I looked down at George's scar. No I didn't look down, I stared down.

"How did you get that scar?" I asked and he looked at me sceptically.

"When I was five I jumped off a swing and fell." He said and just shrugged his shoulders but I felt how all colour vanished from my face. This wasn't possible. I've never met George before, how could I know that he got the scar when he fell off the swing?
We hadn't even lived here my whole life. We moved here when I was six or something.

"What is it? You're white as a sheet?" He asked confused but I ignored him and stood up. I went over to the door, opening it.

"You need to leave." I said.

"Wait what?" George asked even more confused. But I pulled him at his hand and shoved him out the door.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling well."


"No but, see you later." I said and shoved him out of the house. "Love you."

And with these words I closed the door. I turned around and ran upstairs where I turned on my laptop and started researching on the Internet.

After one hour of searching through Google I had three options what could be possibly wrong with me.

1. I was a gypsy.

2. I was paranoid.

3. I had a tragic childhood that my subconsciousness tried to forget about.

Well, all three variants didn't sound that conclusive to me but maybe it had something to do with my panic attacks? Maybe it was time to talk to my parents about it?

I decided to wait until dinner because that was the only time of the day when we all got together. Since everybody in my family was working except me, the evening and the mornings where the only time of the day when everybody was home but the mornings were too hectic and jumbled to be honest.

But maybe I had just known George from when I was a child and had forgotten about him until that scar caused some kind of flashback? I didn't know what to think but it was eating me up from inside.

What if it wasn't just as simple as that but something bigger and more messed up?

Author's Note

Short chapter, I know but uuuuhhh what's happening? 😏 Any guesses?

Lots of love, xx

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