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"We can both sneak out the backdoor, we don't have to say goodbye." - Shawn Mendes

Haley's POV

"Hey." I said to George who was sitting on the kerbstone, a Starbucks plastic cup in his hands. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey." He said back. I had left the bar to get some fresh air because it had been really hot inside. Or maybe I had come outside because I had seen George sitting on the kerb through the window.

"Can I sit down?"

"Yeah sure."George said and pointed at the free spot next to him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and was already parting my pretzel in two and gave him one half.

"Thank you." George said. "Wanna try?"

I looked at the drink that George was holding out for me to grab. I looked down at it sceptically but then I took the cup and sucked at the straw. The fact that George's lips had been at the very same spot only a couple of seconds ago was kind of tempting but satisfying at the same time.

"Thanks." I said and handed him back the drink.

"Haley..." George started but in that very moment Reece came to us and George didn't get to finish what he wanted to say.

"Guys, break is over!" He cheered and patted both of our shoulders. George and I stood up and followed Reece inside.

We met Blake inside who was talking to Dean.

"Hey Haley, Blake. We originally wanted to film your scene now but we changed our minds and we decided to do that when dusk sets in. For now we'll shade the café and New Hope Club is going to play on that mini stage over there and all other people are just jumping around, dancing and having a good time." Dean explained. "I already told the other guys so we can get started immediately."

Shading the cafè and filming that scene had taken much longer than I had thought and it was already seven in the evening when we were finished.

"Cut!!" Dean yelled. "We're gonna film Blake's and Haley's scene now, we'll be back in 45 minutes roughly. Everybody who's not in the scene or part of NHC or the film crew is dismissed. Thank you so much everybody for helping."

"Haley?" Blake who was already at the entrance of the bar asked. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah sure." I said, waving good bye to George who I had just been talking to.

"So basically," Dean who we met outside said to me. "You and Blake are gonna sneak out the bar to go penny boarding. That's all. Have fun and I'll film it."

He didn't need to tell me twice. I jumped onto the penny board Blake had given to me and went down the road along side Blake. We did tricks and little stunts on the penny board even though I failed most of the time.

Blake was teaching me some tricks and supported me by holding my hand while I tried them.

"Cut." Dean said after about twenty minutes. "Guys that's really good but what would you say if I told you to kiss?"

Okay, I didn't sign up for that. I didn't even sign up to play Blake's girl.

Blake looked at me sceptically.

"Are you okay with that?" He asked. He obviously was okay with it according to the little smile that crept on his face.

I considered it. Maybe if I kissed Blake, I would get over Evan and forget about George? Maybe it would distract me from the fact that I was crushing on a boy I couldn't have? Maybe I was just better off with Blake?
And even if I wasn't, this was just acting for a music video, this meant nothing.

"Yeah sure." I said and Dean and Blake both smiled widely.

"Awesome." Dean said. "Okay let's do it like that. Blake, you sit on the kerb, Haley you lay on the street, your head in his lap. Blake will lean down and kiss you then."

"Uh okay." I said a bit sceptically but I just did what Dean said because I knew that he knew exactly what to do.

Blake and I sat down like Dean had said. As I looked up at Blake, my head resting in his lap, he smiled down at me.

"I'm nervous." I said and he nodded in agreement.

"So am I." Blake said. "But hey, kissing me isn't too bad isn't it?"

Though I didn't want to laugh I did and Blake made a weird face, pretending to be hurt.

"Why are you laughing about that?"

"Sorry." I said. "I didn't mean it that way. Of course kissing you isn't that bad."

"Good." Blake joked. "Or else I would have proven you wrong."

"And now kiss me you fool." I said and Blake leaned down, his lips slowly coming closer to mine.

I held my breath as Blake's lips touched mine and for a second I felt nothing. But then it was like fireworks in my stomach setting off.

Even though the kiss was upside down, it was actually one of the best kisses I've ever had but I couldn't help it but wonder where Blake learned to kiss like that.

When the kiss was over Blake and I looked at each other for a while and then broke into laughter.

"Sorry guys but we need to film that again." Dean said and my head shot around in his direction.

"What why??"

"Okay!" Blake said cheerfully at the same time.

"Come on Blake, seriously?"

"Guys chill, it was just a joke." Dean laughed and gathered all his camera equipment. "Your reactions were priceless though."

I shot Dean a killing glance and went back inside the bar where Reece and George were sitting at a table, eating chips.

"How did it go?" Reece asked as I sat down next to them.

"Awesome, the video is going to be amazing." I said. "Dean did a really good job and it was so much fun."

"We think so too." George said, putting another chip into his mouth. I couldn't help but stare at his lips while he was chewing.

Unfortunately I couldn't carry on staring at George's lips because I was distracted by somebody tapping my shoulder. As I looked up I noticed that it was the blonde guy from earlier who had introduced me to Blake in the video.

"Haley, isn't it?" He asked and I nodded sceptically. I didn't know what that guy wanted from me, I didn't even know his name.

"Yeah, and you are...?" I asked.

"Nathan." He answered. "I just wanted to ask if you would like to ... Hang out some time?"

Before I could even consider what to answer, George spoke up. All I could do was stare at him, totally shocked as he was talking.

"Hey sorry man but she's taken."

My jaw dropped.

"Oh, I'm sorry then." Nathan said and turned around to leave the bar.

I looked at George, completely shocked, then my gaze fell to Reece who was looking at George the exact same way.

"Mate, what the hell was that? She's not taken." Reece said.

I closed my mouth because I didn't know what to say. After a couple of seconds I opened it again.

"George, we need to talk. Outside. Now." I said and pointed at the door while I stood up.

Author's Note

Cliffhanger I know but I just enjoy these so much.

Please don't forget to vote and comment, I'd really appreciate that.

Would you have agreed on kissing Blake for the video shoot?

I think I would have.

All the love,

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now