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"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you" - Bruno Mars

Haley's POV

"What did you think were you doing??" George asked as I arrived at the playground. He was obviously confused and angry and he was walking from one spot to another. I, on the other hand had to sit down because I was just too tired of drama and arguing.

"Getting you some clicks?" I kind of asked-answered. "I mean if all those fangirls get to know that Blake was kissing somebody in the video, they will definitely watch it and you get clicks and clicks mean money and fame."

"I don't care about money or being famous, I care about you and I don't like you kissing my best mate."

"We weren't dating at that point." I countered and George crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I know but it makes me jealous anyway. I don't want to share you with anyone else. And especially not my best friend." George kept on arguing which made me roll my eyes.

I stood up from the swing and walked over to him, holding him by his shoulders.

"Can you please just chill because we weren't dating at that point, you had a girlfriend, it was just for a music video and I've got more serious problems than a jealous boyfriend right now!"

"Such as...?" George asked scoffing and I let go of his shoulders, taking a step back.

"Such as getting to know that my parents adopted me without my knowledge and I'm not their biological daughter and that this whole adoption was illegal and everybody knew except me and that my biological mother is my aunt and that she abandoned me at a gas station because she didn't want me anymore and that I don't want to go home because I don't want got talk to my parents - or rather aunt and uncle and cousin - because that's what my mum, dad and brother really are." I said all in one breathe and when I started hyperventilating, George shut me up by pulling me in for a hug.

I hid my face in the crook of his neck and just relaxed in the short moment of comfortable silence without anybody wanting anything from me. After a short moment, George let go of me.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am!!" I said in high dudgeon. "I wouldn't joke about something like that!"

"I'm sorry." George said. "How did you find out?"

"You know earlier when I behaved strangely?" I asked and George nodded his head, holding my hand. "I saw that scar on your forearm and I had some kind of weird flashback and I somehow knew how you got that scar. I didn't get rid of the feeling that I knew you from when I was younger and so I looked through old photo albums but I couldn't find any photos of me younger than four.

"I asked my mum and she said that we lived in Northampton before we moved to Bedford and George, - you lived in Northampton as well, didn't you?"

George was completely perplex. His jaw dropped and he just stared at me in disbelief while shaking his head continuously.

"We did... How is this possible? There can't be such a coincidence." He whispered.

"But it's true and we were friends!"

He looked deep into my eyes, trying to recall the memories from the depth of his mind. Then his eyes widened.

"Haley..." He whispered. "Oh my god I remember. We used to play on the playground every day but then one day you stopped coming. Mum said you moved away but I kept on seeing your mum. God, how could I forget you? I'm so sorry!"

"No worries, you were four or something and I can't remember you either."

"Why didn't your parents want you anymore?" He asked and I told him what my - let's call her mum for now - had told me only half an hour ago. As I explained everything George just kept on shaking his head in disbelief, I guess he felt almost as poleaxed as I had felt. Still felt.

"You can sleep at my place if you want." George said and without hesitation I nodded.

"That would be great." I said. "Are the boys and Em still at your place?

"Yes but they will leave the day after tomorrow."

"Do you think they are still awake?" I asked and George pulled out his phone from the pocket of his jeans. The screen displayed 1:34 am so he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Probably." He said. "They were watching Star Wars when I left."

"Wait? You left even though they were watching Star Wars? You missed Star Wars for me? Wow, I feel honoured, I really must mean something to you." I joked and George nudged my shoulder.

"I was just really mad, don't feel special." He replied and I acted as if I was hurt. I just loved messing around with George, it was just so carefree and made me forget about all the trouble that was going on.

"Okay let's head home but you need to text your mum that you're staying with me or else she'll be worried sick." He said but then stopped abruptly. "Wait, can I still call her your mum or does it feel weird to you?"

"It feels weird if you don't to be honest. I'm really confused but I mean after all she's still the woman who cared for me my whole life and who's always been a mother to me. So I guess the fact that she's not my biological mother will not change the fact that she is my mother."

I hadn't realised it until I spoke those words and it felt right to me. And I didn't only feel that way about my mum but about my dad and my brother as well. Nothing could ever change the fact that they were my family because family doesn't necessarily mean you have to share a bloodline.

"She will be really glad about that because I can tell that she loves you."

"How do you know?"

"By the 20 missed calls from her that you received while we were talking." George giggled and I quickly pulled out my phone. I had 27 missed calls from her actually.

"Oh shoot." I said and quickly texted her. "How did you know?"

"As if she wouldn't try to call you when you just ran off after being told that you're adopted."

"Good point." I said and we had almost reached George's house when I stopped walking. "Are you still mad that I kissed Blake?"

A small smile crept on his face.

"How could I ever be mad at something so insignificant. Because it's obvious that you're head over heals in love with me." He joked.

"No but seriously. Are you still mad?"

"Of course not." He said and then gave me a soft kiss on the lips before opening the gate to the house.

No Promises - New Hope Club Book 2 (George Smith)Where stories live. Discover now