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"Skinny dipping in the dark" - Katy Perry

Haley's POV

It was dark already when we went down to the beach. Reece was carrying some pieces of wood, George carried the food and Blake a guitar while I held several blankets in my hands.

As we reached the beach, Reece and Blake knelt down to make a fire while George and I prepared the food. It took the boys at least half an hour to ignite the fire but it burned high when they finally made it.

"I love campfires." Reece said as he sat down next to me, grabbing some marshmallows.

"Let's play a game." George said and grinned. I hated those 'party games'.

"Yeah what about never have I ever?" Blake asked and held his hand up. I supposed we played it with holding up five fingers and taking away one for the answer 'I have'. So instead of complaining I held my hand up as well.

"I'm gonna get started." Reece said. "Never have I ever shot a gun."

None of us moved their fingers, we all just stared at Reece.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"I couldn't think of something." He defended himself.

"Then don't go first!" Blake exclaimed. "My turn. Never have I ever kissed someone on the first date."

I put down one finger, George and Reece didn't.

"I don't like this game." I sighed, holding up only four fingers.

"Well I want the details." Blake said, a perverted smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and tried to tell them as dryly and matter-of-factly as I could.

"Okay so Evan - the douche that's my exboyfriend - took me on our first date to a party of his best mate and basically when he dropped me off at home he just kissed me. Well this means I didn't kiss someone on the first date but I kissed him back so this counts right?"

"Yep." Blake said, popping the p.

"My turn." George said and by the tone of his voice I assumed that he was really proud of the question he had come up with. "Never have I ever peed in a bottle."

Both Blake and Reece put down a finger, I did not.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm not a girl."

"Never have I ever dated someone twice." I said. Reece was only holding up three fingers now, Blake and I four and George five.

"Who did you date twice?" I asked and a big grin grew on Reece's face while stuffing another marshmallow into his mouth.

"Emma. We dated, then she broke up with me and when we met again, we dealt with... Our problems now we're dating again."

"That's cute." I said. "Your turn Reece."

"Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed." I was the only one who did that and I was now holding up only three fingers.

"Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight." Blake said and Reece, George and I both put one finger down. I didn't dare to look at George but I wondered if he was thinking of me when saying he has fallen in love at first sight. Because I had fallen for him the first time we met.

"Never have I ever snuck into a movie without paying." I said and nobody had, so I added: "Good boys."

"Never have I ever played strip poker." George said and I put one finger down. Two fingers left.

"As I said, I hate this game." I said and the boys started laughing.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." Reece said.

"Oh come on." I said, only one finger left. "You guys are so boring! George has still four fingers up."

"Maybe we should go skinny dipping today?" Blake said and I smirked.

"Finally someone who's up for some fun." I said and high-fived Blake.

"Never have I ever woken up drunk." Blake said and all of as intervened at the same time.

"As if!" George laughed.

"I saw you lying drunk in a bathtub with a penis doodled onto your bare chest, remember?" I softly slapped the back of his head which caused him to laugh.

"You caught me." He said, holding his hands up in defence. "Okay, then, never have I ever thrown up on a roller coaster ride."

"Okay I lost." I said. "But you guys are boring!"

"Maybe you're just too wild." Reece said, defending himself.

"As if! I was the swot at school to be honest."

"Oh my god, I don't want to know what the others at your school were like then." George joked and I slapped his arm.

"Haha." I said sarcastically and stood up. "So what about that skinny dipping thing?"

"I'm down." Reece said and stood up as well, already pulling his shirt over his head.

"So am I." George said. "What about you Blake."

But we didn't even have to ask him because he was already undressing himself.

"I take that as a yes." I laughed and put off my shirt. As I looked at George I caught him staring at me. He looked away, embarrassed and I couldn't help but smile.

I put off my shorts as well and stood there in only my underwear. I told myself to not think about it too much before I could get self-conscious and put off the rest as well.

As I looked up again I saw that the boys were already undressed. I eyed up their upper bodies but I tried to not look down any further.

"You ready?" Reece asked and ran towards the ocean without even waiting for our answers. So we just ran after him straight into the sea.

The water was cold and dark and I squealed as the freezing water met my skin.

"Ahhhhh that shit is cold." Blake said who was right next to me. "Jesus."

"Where are the others? It's so dark I can't see them."

"I'm here." George said, going up right to my left side. "Where's Reece?"

"Here." Reece was a bit further away but I could tell he was swimming in our direction.

I could feel arms around my waist, on my tummy, twirling me around.

"Yikes." I said surprised but I didn't have to wonder who's hands it were because I knew them all too well. I smiled and stroked George's hand in the water.

"Okay, we went skinny dipping, can we go out now? It's freezing." Blake said and I burst out in laughter.

"Sure we can." I said and we all went back to the beach, wrapping the blankets around us.

"Do we have to extinguish the fire?" I asked and George shrugged his shoulders. His wet hair fell into his face, the water dripping down his hair. I didn't want to admit it but it looked so good and I had to avert my gaze.

"I don't know." He said. "I don't think so, it'll burn down on its own I guess."

We all agreed on that, gathered our stuff and went back to the house. As we walked through the woods, I started thinking that this was a good way to start vacation and that I didn't regret coming to the cabin with the boys.

Little did I know.

Author's Note

Please don't forget to vote guys ❤️❤️

It's funny how I already have a cover for a story about Blake when I don't even have a plot 😂

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