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Sam x Reader

Prompt: "The skirt is supposed to be this short."

It was actually a hunt you were looking forward to

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It was actually a hunt you were looking forward to. A Demon parading around as a rich business man, hosting Gala after Gala. Each time a person would end up dead, at least a couple of miles away. Of course they had all been female, and both Sam and Dean decided you would have to dress up and attend, preferably on the arm of Sam, your boyfriend.

That had forced a shopping trip, and now you were here, back at the motel, locked in the bathroom as you got ready for the evening. Making sure your make up was on point, you had curled your hair, wearing it up with some trendils hanging down. Slipping the dress over your shoulders, you smoothed it down, checking it in the mirror. It hugged in all the right places, giving your cleavage a boost while making your waist much smaller than usual. The skirt was short, much shorter than you normally wore, but it showed off your newly tanned legs, and you loved how they looked. Wearing ballet flats instead of heels, you thought you were rocking the outfit. It was fun, actually getting a chance to dress up, which didn't happen very much at all.

Stepping out into the main room, you quickly realized that Dean had already left, Sam was already in his borrowed tux, looking extremely handsome. "Wow Sam, you clean up nice." You said, surprising him. Turning quickly, you watched as he swallowed thickly, his eyes traveling up and down your body.

"You look...Well..." He stuttered. "Should the dress be that short?"

Raising an eyebrow at him, you felt a little hurt. Instead of complimenting you like you had expected, all he could comment on was the length of your dress. "The skirt is supposed to be this short." You responded curtly, reaching over and grabbing your purse.With a stony face, you walked to the door, not even turning to make sure Sam was following along.

"Y/N, I...." Sam started, but a glare from you had him stopping. Silently, the two of you rode to the golf course where the Gala was being held. As soon as you exited the car, you brushed past the Valet, Sam close behind you. Reaching over to take your elbow, you jerked it away from him.

"Y/N, I know you're mad at something I did, but please. We need to work together on this case. It isn't smart to go off on our own." He tried talking to you, but you were still frustrated and hurt, and you turned on him.

"Oh, so now I'm dressed sluttly and am stupid? Maybe you should find another girlfriend then. One who doesn't try to make the case work anyway she knows how. And that includes dressing to get the eye of the guy in question."

Without another word you strode away, heading straight for the bar. Ordering a shot of whiskey, you were about ready to drink it when a man's voice stopped you. "I saw you were having issues with your escort. Maybe I can help you?"

Glancing over your shoulder, you saw the man in question staring down into your cleavage. Trying not to get creeped out, you smiled at the man. "Yeah, he doesn't like my dress."

"What's not to like?" The man, or Demon, said, using it as an excuse to rake his gaze over you. "It fits you perfectly, showcasing the beautiful legs and bust tthat deserves a man's attention."

Wanting to reach over and slap him, you were stopped when Sam came over, his face furious. "Back up man. You lost this sweet little thing." The Demon growled, but without a word, Sam pressed himself up to the man, and you watched as he slammed the knife into the Demon's back.

"Sam!" You exclaimed. "We're in public!"

"No one is looking this way. Dean created a diversion. Now let's go!" He told you, leaving the Demon leaning against the bar as the two of you raced out of the nearest exit. Before you could turn to meet up with Dean, Sam grabbed your arm.

"Y/N, I'm sorry about earlier. I wasn't thinking. I just saw you looking gorgeous in that dress, and I hated the fact that it was just for the Demon's Gala, and not for me. Please forgive me?" He pleaded, using his puppy dog eye trick.

"Fine, I forgive you. But you should still have to make it up for me." You said, and he nodded.

"Anything!" He answered. "Oh, and Y/N? Keep the dress. It's meant to grace your beautiful body."

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