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So I got bored and decided to rewrite this story. I felt like I left out so many major points of the plots and I wanted a more backstory on what happened after Louis left and yeah. I absolutely love this story now. Even more than before. I hope you guys like it.



Harry walked inside the school with so much confidence cause it was the start of a new year and not just any year but his senior year. Meaning he could go to parties, get his license, no curfew and start applying to colleges. He honestly could not wait.

He hated school, but he was determined to make his senior year the best year of high school.

"Harry!" He turned around and was faced with his best friend in the whole world, Paige.

He opened his arms for a hug which she gladly returned. "Paige, why weren't you in the bus this morning?" He asked her as he opened his locker.

"My mom wanted to drive me and wouldn't take no for an answer since it's the first day," she groaned and went across the hall to open her locker which was on the other side of Harry's.

"Excuse me, I think my locker is on top of yours," Harry heard a voice say from behind him. He turned around only to be faced with the most beautiful face he'd ever seen. It was a guy. Not just any guy, the most beautiful guy Harry's ever seen and he was probably new to the school since Harry had never seen him there before. He was about two inches shorter than Harry but was probably stronger than him since you could easily see his muscles through his black leather jacket. His short brown hair was in a messy fringe and he had the bluest eyes Harry had ever seen. He was so hot.

"U-um, what number is your locker?" Harry stuttered and mentally slapped himself for acting a fool.

The guy chuckled and took out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket, "it's 195,"

Harry laughed nervously, "well look at that, mine is 196 and yours is right on top of mine," he said while closing his locker and stepping aside so the guy could have access to his.

He doesn't know why he still stood next to the locker since he already had everything he needed for first period but he did and the guy looked at him weirdly when he finished. "I'm Louis," he reached out his hand for Harry to shake.

"H-Harry, are you new here?"

Louis nodded. "Yes it's my first and last year here, I'm a senior."

"Ooh that must suck, moving your senior year," Harry chuckled and pushed away a strand of curl from his face. He was slowly finding it easier to talk to this Louis guy.

"It does but I like meeting new people so it's okay," He smiled and Harry swore he could pass out from that smile. "Like I met you,"

"So what I'm hearing is, you like meeting me?" Harry gave him a small smirk.

"Well I certainly don't hate it," He winked. "I'll see you around Harry," Louis smiled and said before Harry could say anything else, and with that, he left.

Harry just stood there trying to comprehend what just happened. Did Louis flirt with him? Harry shook his head because no way a guy like Louis would like him.

"Who was that guy?" Paige asked Harry. Apparently, she was watching the entire thing from her locker.

"No one," Harry said quickly and Paige squinted her eyes suspiciously. "Anyway, who do you have for the first period?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"Ugh, I have PE first period with Coach Neel,"

"I told you to take PE last year with me, but nooooooo your lazy ass kept putting it off and now you're a senior whos gonna take phycial education with a bunch of freshmen," Harry laughed and the two started walking down the hallway.

"Shut up," Paige rolled her eyes."And who knows? Maybe I'll meet a cute freshman," She winked at Harry.

"Ew Paige you're a cougar,"

Paige hit him in the arm slightly which made Harry pout a little. "So who's the guy you were talking to?"

"Paige!" Harry groaned.

"He was flirting with you wasn't he?" Harry shook his head no but Paige didn't believe him. "And you were flirting back! Better keep it in your pants Styles,"

Harry rolled his eyes playfully at his best friend. Again there is no way Louis would go for a guy like Harry. Right?

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