8. Months

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*3 months pregnant*

"Mum, I think I wanna start online schooling earlier," Harry said to his mum while they were on the couch watching a movie.

Anne turned to look at him, "WHy is that?" she asked.

"My bump is getting kinda big, I don't want people at school finding out. I know we planned on starting when I'm about five months but I think I want to start earlier. Like next week," Harry said.

"Sure honey, well talk to your principal tomorrow," Anne smiled.

Harry was now a little over three months and a visible bump was starting to form and he didn't really like that. To say he was scared for anyone at school to find out was an understatement. so far no one suspected anything as far as he knew.

He would start online school and get his high school diploma online then he decided that after the baby was born he'd take online classes then when his baby was old enough to leave, he'd start taking actual college classes so he could become a veterinarian like he always wanted.

His mum had been nothing but supportive and so has Paige and even his sister. He told Gemma the news and she scolded him for not wearing protection but she was still happy she was gonna be an aunt.

Every day that went by, Harry thought about Louis less and less but as soon as he looks down at his bump, he felt like crying.


*5 months pregnant*

Today was the day they would find out the gender of the baby and to say Harry was excited was an understatement. he would finally know if he was gonna have a boy or girl and the thought made him so happy. He was secretly hoping for a girl and his mum was not so secretly hoping that he had a boy.

Harry would be happy either way but he really really wanted a little girl.

He was restless the entire way to the Doctor's office. When they finally got there, there was a long wait in the waiting room. That's what Harry always hated about hospitals. "Harry, calm down will you?" Anne said.

"I can't. I'm too excited," Harry said with a smile.

When they finally called his name, he stood up and rested his hand on his medium-sized bump before holding his hand out for his mum. They both walked into Dr. D's office, waiting for her to come in.

"Good morning Harry, Anne," The doctor smiled at the two of them. "Harry are you ready to find out the sex of your baby?" SHe asked with a smile while putting on her gloves.

"He's been restless for about a week now," Anne chuckled.

"Well, let's get this show on the road now shall we?" She asked Harry to lift up his shirt so she could rub the gel on his belly. Harry was used to the cold feeling by now so he didn't flinch. "Here is your baby's heartbeat. Healthy," Everyone smiled when they heard the heartbeat through the monitor.

"Wow," Harry said, still not used to this. He saw the small fetus on the screen and it looked so much bigger now. It looked like an actual human and Harry was already so in love with that small human.

"Okay Harry, you are having a... Girl!" She smiled and Harry gasped. Just like he wanted.

"I-I" Harry wanted to speak but he didn't know what to say. He was just so... happy at the moment.

"Oh wow I'm gonna have a granddaughter," Anne said with tears in her eyes.

"Congratulations Harry. I'm going to print some copies then be back kay guys?" She said and both Harry and Anne nodded.

"A baby girl H," Anne said and Harry nodded.

"A baby girl,"


*8 and a half months pregnant*

"Mum I feel like a bloated whale," Harry whined while walking down the stairs. "Why didn't you tell me that pregnancy would be this hard?"

Anne simply chuckled and took the casserole he was making out of the oven. "I did tell you, honey. rust me the birthing process is even worse"

"Oh god, don't remind me," Harry groaned. "You'll be good to me, right little angel?" He said while rubbing his bump. He still hasn't picked out a name for her yet and to him, that was the most stressful thing. She would be stuck with the name for the rest of her life. He wanted her name to be unique but also very pretty just like her.

Gemma and Paige will be here shortly love, help me set the table," Anne said and Harry went to the dining room to set the table for his mum when he feels something wet dripping from his legs, almost as if he had just peed.

oh no.

"MUM" He yelled at the top of his lungs and Anne immediately appeared in the doorway, "Harry? What happened?"

"She's coming," Harry said but then panicked. "Oh my god, mum shes coming! I'm not ready yet."

"Okay H, please calm down for me. I'm going upstairs to her nursery and I'm gonna take the hospital bag, you grab my keys and wait for me in the car," His mum said before running up the stairs.

Harry did as told and waited for his mum in the car. He yelled when he felt a sharp pain on his abdomen and cried out in pain. His mum got in the car shortly after and told him to breathe before starting the car.

When they got to the hospital, Harry was put in a wheelchair and taken to the delivery ward. They checked to see how dilated he was and he was only 3 cm so he would have to be in labor for a while.

Harry hated every minute of it. His mum was in the room with him and he knew that Paige and Gemma were probably on their way to the hospital.

"Mum," Harry let out a choked sob that caught his mother's attention from the chair next to his bed. "I'm really doing this?" He asked. His forehead was drenched in sweat, his eyes were dilated and red and tears were coming out of his eyes.

"Yes, you are darling. And I'm so so proud of you," Anne said truthfully.

"Thank you, mummy. Thank you for everything," Harry cried and his mum went to hug him.

"You're welcome my precious. All that I do is for you and Gemma and all I want is for you two to be happy. I had to raise you guys by myself but I don't ever want you to feel that you have to raise this baby by yourself. I will always be here Harry."

Harry smiled because he truly did have the best mum in the world.

The doctor came back in shortly after that and checked Harry. He was 7 cm now. ALmost there, he reminded Harry but the boy couldn't take it anymore.

ABout 100 profanities later, countless tears and promises that he would never do this again, Bexley Anne-Louie Styles was born.

Her soft cries filled the room and Harry laid down on the bed feeling exhausted.

"Do you want to hold her?" The doctor asked him. He nodded with tears is his eyes and took the baby from the man. She was wrapped in a small fluffy blanket, her tiny fists were balled up to her face, her eyes were still closed and Harry wanted nothing more than to stare into her eyes and see the product of him and Louis.

"She's so beautiful, Harry," Anne sobbed next to him. he looked up at her and smiled. "She is. She truly is,"

As the small baby in his hands opened her eyes slowly, then stared up to Harry with those big beautiful blue eyes of her, Harry knew that what his mum told him all those months ago were true.

He wouldn't trade that moment for anything.

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