4. Dirty Dancing

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"Harry where are you taking me?"

"For the last time, I'm not telling you," Harry said while guiding a blindfolded Louis to a lake near his house. It was truly a beautiful sight at night and he wanted Louis to see it.

"Are we almost there?" Louis asked for the millionth time.

"And...." Harry said. "We're here," he said and went to take the blindfold off.

Louis was met with the sight in front of him and sighed in awe. It was truly beautiful. The stars in the sky were so bright they reflected the water. It was also a full moon so it was really bright and the water looked so pretty and peaceful.

"Wow Harry this is beautiful," he said.

"I know right. I like to come here at night it's really nice."

Louis looked at Harry with wiggled his brows and had a mysterious smile on his face. "What are you thinking?" Harry asked and before he knew it Louis was taking his shoes off.

"I'm going in," he said and took his shirt then pants off. He stripped down till he was completely naked.

"Louis no. You can't be serious?" Harry tried to stop him.

"What Haz? Are you scared?" He asked and took a step closer to Harry. Now they were face to face. Harry shook his head no.

"T-the," he stuttered because of how close Louis was and not to mention the fact that he was naked.

"The what?" Louis whispered and ghosted his lips over Harry's.

"The water might be cold," his breath hitched as Louis grabbed his crotch just to tease him.

"Kiss me,"

That's all Louis had to say before Harry attacked his lips with his own. Louis slipped his tongue into Harry's mouth and moaned into it making him go crazy. The kissed for about a minute before Louis pulled apart and laughed.

Next thing Harry knew, he was inside the lake.

"You fucking bastard!" Louis had pushed him into the water and he was not happy about it. "Louis I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna fucking k-"

"I'm coming in!" Louis interrupted him and jumped into the water. Harry was still screaming at the fact that he was in the lake with all his clothes on.

"Louis I fucking hate you!"

"No you don't," Louis laughed and grabbed Harry's waist pulling him close to him. He then grabbed Harry by the waist before pulling him up above his head.

Harry started freaking out "Louis fucking Tomlinson what are you doing!?" He shrieked and closed his eyes when he realized that he was above Louis' head (Like in the picture)

Louis twirled around in the water with Harry before putting him back down. He laughed when he saw that Harry still had his eyes closed. "Relax baby. I was trying to romantic,"

Harry finally opened his eyes and hit Louis across the chest. "That's not romantic you ass I could've fallen in the water,"

"But you didn't," Louis argued. "Its that one scene from Dirty Dancing, I just wanted to try it,"

Harry huffed and looked at Louis before leaning down a little to kiss him. "I still hate you," Harry whispered as he pulled away.

"Yeah yeah," Louis chuckled before pecking Harry's delicious lips once again. "Go up and take off your clothes then babe," he said and Harry grunted.

"I still hate you," he said as he got out the water.

"No, you don't!"

Harry flipped him off and Louis was basically dying of laughter in the water.


"I don't think I've ever been this happy," Harry sighed happily while Louis was running his hands through his wet curls.

"Me neither," Louis bent down to kiss Harry's forehead. They were in dry clothes and laying on the grass near the lake looking up at the stars. It was really nice.

"Because I'm happy. Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof," Harry sang softly then started laughing.

"Were you seriously singing Happy?" Louis laughed.

"Yeah," Harry smiled up at him. "Because I'm happy!" He sang again.

"Sing me something," Louis said.

"I can't sing," Harry immediately said but Louis shook his head.

"What are you talking about? Yes, you can,"

Harry snorted, "Yeah right. What's your favorite song?"

"Tell it to my heart by Taylor Dayne," Louis said kinda embarrassed.

Harry chuckled a bit but then started singing. "Tell me I'm the only one, Is this really love or just a game?" He stopped.

"No keep going," Louis said as he suddenly stopped singing.

When he got to the chorus, Louis had joined him. And he smiled at the fact that Louis' voice was absolutely beautiful.

"Okay since you love my voice so much. Iw ill put on a show for you," Louis said and got up. He quickly went to the tree next to them and cut off a branch to use as a mic. Harry just laughed and watched his boyfriend with fond.

"I dedicate this song to my beautiful boyfriend. Harry Styles," Louis said as if he was talking to an actual crowd.

"Whohoo!" Harry clapped with a huge smile on his face. "Go, Lou!"

"This one's for you baby!" Louis said then started singing. "There's a boy I know, he's the one I dream of" He did a stupid dance move before pointing to Harry who completely lost his shit as if Louis was an actual pop star who was dedicating a song to him.

"Looks into my eyes, takes me to the clouds above, mmm-hmm. Oh, I lose control, can't seem to get enough, uh-huh. When I wake from dreaming, tell me is it really love" Louis sang while dancing and jumping like crazy all while looking at Harry was of course grinning like crazy clapping for his boyfriend.

When Louis finished. Harry got up to give a standing ovation and jumped into his arms. "I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world," He said while kissing Louis' face all over.

"How did I do?" Louis chuckled, almost out of breath.

"You have a beautiful voice," Harry complimented him.

"So do you," he smiled at him.

"Gasp!" Harry said and Louis asked him what. "We should start a duo act! Harry and Louis. Oh, we'll become so famous and rich and holy shit Louis we have to," both he and Louis clutched their stomachs cause they were laughing too hard.

"Let's take on the world together Styles,"

At that moment, Hary realized that he was absolutely head over heels in love with Louis William Tomlinson. (same here pal)

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