22. You're crazy

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Harry sat at his doctor's office the day before his birthday staring at the blank wall in front of him. He was mad. He wasn't mad at anyone or anything, in particular, he was just mad. How could he have let this happen? How could he have been so stupid?

"Harry, you're pregnant,"

Those words were like venom to his ears. He knew those words were true because he had been feeling the same way he did when he was pregnant with Bexley.

The faint voices of Paige talking to the doctor asking her questions about his how far long he was in the background but that's not what he cared about at the moment. He was thinking about what Louis would think. How he would react. They just got back together officially and he's afraid this news would ruin everything.

Tears strolled down his face and everything was in slow motion. He thought back to the night it happened. Louis' New year's party.

*about a month ago*

"Louis put that down. This your fourth glass you can't have that much alcohol," Harry said and took the glass of champagne from a very irritated Louis.

"Seriously?" He looked at Harry who nodded. Louis groaned and left the kitchen.

"No more drinking!" Harry shouted after him. He ignored Harry and went to greet some of his friends in front.

The party was a success this time, unlike his failed Christmas party. There were about 30 people at his apartment, all family, and friends. Harry's mom was there, Louis' mom (may she rest peacefully in heaven) I just couldn't kill her off I'm sorry) along with his siblings. His friends, Liam, Niall, Steve and of course Bebe was there and the people they brought with them. His assistant, driver and hair stylist all was there.

He was proud of how the party turned out even though he barely did anything except for inviting people. Harry did most of the work.

Louis walked into the living room and saw Bex sitting on the couch by herself. He took a seat next to her, "hey bubba, what's got you so down?"

She sighed and put a hand against her cheek, "no one here's my age and daddy won't let me go to my room,"

"What are you talking about? You have your aunts Phoebe and Daisy. They're about your age,"

"Dad they're like 5 years older than me, they don't wanna hang out with me,"

"Well about Doris? And Ernie," Louis suggested and she immediately shook her head.

"No way they're babies,"

"They're your aunt and uncle. It wouldn't hurt to spend time with them,"

"But they're babies,"

"Exactly. They need attention now more than ever because they are babies. So take them to your room and put a movie on or something," Louis said and she huffed.

"Fine," she got off the couch and went to find them.

"No scary movies!" Louis yelled at her because he knew about her love for the scariest of movies. Now that's something he didn't get from Louis or Harry. Both of them were terrified of scary movies.

"Lou, it's almost midnight, do you want me to gather everyone together?" Harry asked and Louis nodded.

"Everyone gather round get together there's only a minute till midnight!" Louis yelled from the living room and watched everyone come in.

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry and brought him in close. "I'm really glad I'm spending this new year with you and I'm so glad you gave me a second chance," Louis whispered.

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