26. Doctor Tomlinson

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*About a year later*

"Doctor Tomlinson, your husband is out front," Harry turned around and smiled at his assistant.

"Tell him I'll be right out Magaret," he said and she left after saying okay.

Harry was finishing up with a dog with a broken leg then he would be finished for the day. After he was finished, he washed his hands and left the dog to the other vet that was helping him and went to the waiting room.

"Hi love," Louis smiled as he saw Harry.

"Hey Lou," He said and took off his coat but not before giving Louis a quick kiss. "Sorry to keep you waiting, I was finishing up with a patient,"

"It's okay. I had Margaret here to keep me company," He said pointing at Harry's assistant was now a blushing mess. I mean who didn't have a crush on Louis?

"I'm done for the day Mags. I'm trusting you to lock up after Dr. Fulton leaves okay?" Harry said and she nodded.

"Ready to go?" Louis said and Harry nodded. He was more than ready. This was his first day back to work since he had the babies so that meant it was the first time leaving them for a whole day and he had been missing them the entire day.

"I'm ready to see my angels," He smiled as he got into the passenger's seat of Louis' car.

"Jeanette called me this earlier and told me what a pain Peyton was being. She refuses to stop sucking her thumb and when she takes it away she starts screaming and starts crawling away from her," Louis laughed.

"Yep, sounds like Peyton," Harry said. "But seriously, we need to do something about the thumb sucking. It's not a good habit,"

"She'll stop eventually,"

"Her pediatrician says it might interfere with her growing teeth. That's why she only has one tooth and Ezra has four already."

"Okay he did not say that last part," Louis chuckled and grabbed Harry's hand but made sure to keep his eyes on the road. "You worry about the slightest things babe I honestly don't know how you do it,"

"It's a gift," Harry smiled.

Once they got to their house, they were immediately met by the sounds of crying babies. "Home sweet home," Louis joked.

Jeanette, their part-time nanny came to meet them in the hallway. "They've been like this all morning, especially P," She sighed.

"I'm sure they just missed us," Harry said and walked in the living room where the two of them were in baby chairs, screaming the top of their lungs.

They immediately stopped when they saw their fathers.

"How are my beautiful children?" Harry asked with a smile and went to pick Ezra up and Louis got Peyton. "How's my sweet boy? You missed daddy?" Harry smiled and Ezra pulled on his hair and started giggling.

"What about you missie?" Louis said to Peyton who was hiding her face in his neck. Let me see those big green eyes of yours," He said and Peyton finally looked at him. "I missed you, my love," He said and kissed her entire face making her giggle.

"God I missed them," Harry said to Louis who nodded.

"You and me both," he said.

"Hey daddy, dad," Bexley said as she walked in the living room.

They both turned around and saw Bexley and smiled.

"Hi baby," Harry said as she gave both of them a kiss on the cheek. "How was dance practice?"

"Great. Are we still going out to dinner tonight?" She asked and Harry nodded.

"Okay," She said. "Payton has her thumb in her mouth again," She laughed at her one-year-old sister.

"Louis," Harry said and Louis took her hand out of her mouth.

"Let the little girl live. It's just a habit I'm sure she'll grow out of it soon," Louis said. "Won't you Sweet Pea?"

She hid her head in Louis' neck again making them chuckle.

They were a beautiful family. Both Harry and Louis loved their family so much. They managed to start a life together and were now happily married for about six months and had three beautiful children who they'd do anything for.

Looking back at his life, Harry had never thought that his life would be as crazy as it was and still is. From meeting Louis and falling in love, from having Bexley and raising her for nine years by himself to now being married to Louis and now having two more kids with him. He was the luckiest man on earth and he knew that. He was so lucky to have found Louis and he made sure to tell Louis that every day.

"I love you," Harry whispered to Louis.

"I love you more," Louis said.

And he really did.

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