25. You really are something

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*5 months later*

"I think this is the last box," Harry said and set the box down in front of Louis. "Paige is coming with one more but I think this is it."

"Harry, I told you no heavy lifting, in fact, you're supposed to be on bed rest the only reason you're up right n-"

Harry put his finger against Louis' lips. "Louis, sweetheart. I am not fragile, I may be nine months pregnant but I'm not a delicate flower. " Louis was about to respond when Harry shushed him again. "Now I will help you guys move everything in and make sure everything goes where it's supposed to okay?"


"OKay?" Harry said and Louis sighed.


"Come here," Harry said and Louis walked closer to him but there was still space between them due to Harry's big bump. "You wanna know who I love more than anyone else in the entire world?"

Louis smiled, "Beyonce?"

"Yes of course but after that?" Harry said.



"Mhm let me think," Louis teased and Harry pinched his cheeks. "Me of course,"

"Yes, you. No matter how aggravating you can get sometimes,"

Louis smiled and leaned in for a kiss when they were suddenly interrupted.

"Ew, get a room you two," Paige said with a box in her hand.

"Um page, I don't know if you notice but this is our house so all of this," Louis said motioning to the house. "is our room,"

"Shut up," Paige said and hit Louis' shoulder making Harry let out a laugh. "Move in day is almost completed," she said and set the box down. "You guys do know I'm basically going to be living here right?"

"No, you won't. Visiting hours are from never gonna happen to never gonna see you again," Louis said with a smile and Paige rolled her eyes.

"Don't listen to him," Harry said to her. "You're always welcomed here and thank you again for helping us, babe,"

"No problem," Paige said and gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. "I gotta go now, tell Bexley I left okay?"

Harry nodded. "Going to see Matt?" He asked and she grinned. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Harry called after her as she left.

"Whos matt?" Louis asked.

"Her new boyfriend," Harry said as Louis wrapped his arms around him from the back.

"I can't believe this is our new home," Louis said looking at their fully decorated home. This was the beginning of the rest of their lives and they were so excited.

"I'm excited," Harry said.

Louis kissed Harry's neck lightly and rubbed his belly. "I too love,"

They stood there for a while until Harry said, "I have to pee,"

Louis chuckled and let him go, "I'll go check on Bex upstairs,"

Harry started making his way to the downstairs bathroom and out of nowhere he tripped over a box and fell.

"Louis!" He screamed as he hit the hardwood floor.

Louis was about to reach the stairs when he heard Harry's cry for him and immediately ran back down. "Harry?" He yelled but no answer. When he reached the hallway, he froze when he saw Harry laying down the floor. "No no no no," He whispered and rushed towards him.

Temperamental Love (Larry Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now