19. Dinner party

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"Harry! I need you," Louis yelled from the dining room where he was trying to figure out which centerpiece to use for the huge table in front of him. Harry walked into the kitchen and stood next to him.

"This or that?" he asked showing Harry the two items in his hand and Harry went with the red one.

"Louis I honestly think you're stressing too much over this. It's just a short dinner party, nothing to be nervous about," Harry said and rubbed his back.

"This is the first time I'm hosting a party for my family and yours at the same time. Of course, I'm nervous!" He exclaimed dramatically.

"Now I know why you're an actor," Harry muttered under his breath. Louis asked him what he said and he quickly said nothing. "Lou, it's the day before your birthday. Don't you think you should try to relax a bit?"

"N-no I'm good," Louis said while gripping the chair next to him as he was a little lightheaded.

"Louis are you okay?" Harry rushed to him and held his arms. "You look pale. When was the last time you ate?"

"I don't know," he said weakly. "I-I need my meds," he said quietly and tried to leave the dining area.

Harry chased after him. "No Louis you can't take meds on an empty stomach. What are they for anyway?" He asked. Louis would take those pills twice a day and he never once asked him what they were for. Louis never told him he was sick so he never asked.

"Haz," Louis said and turned to Harry. Harry gasped when he saw the sight in front of him. Louis was as pale as a ghost and there was blood dripping from his nose. "I don't feel so good," he whispered as he collapsed on the floor in front of Harry.

"Louis!" Harry screamed and rushed towards him on the floor. "Louis please wake up!" Harry said in tears.

The last thing Louis remembered was the sound of Harry's voice telling him not to leave him again. Then he fell into a deep black hole of nothingness.

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