1. Secret safe place

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Harry was at his locker when he heard someone call his name. "Harry!" he turned around and saw Louis running to catch up with him. He smiled and stopped to wait for him.

"Hey Louis," he smiled again and started walking out the school with Louis. He'd been at the school for almost a month and have made some new friends but he talked to Harry whenever they passed each other in the halls. "What's up?"

"So a bunch of friends and I were going out to eat later and I was wondering if you wanted to come with?" He asked and Harry shook his head.

"Thanks but no thanks," he laughed and Louis looked confused. "I like you and all but I can't stand the people you hang out with Louis," Harry said and meant it. The guys were assholes and made fun of him for being gay.

"Well okay, how about we hang out alone, just the two of us? What do you say?"

Harry nodded, "that can work. You have a car?" He asked and Louis nodded. "Okay pick me up at 7," he said and write down his address for Louis to pick him up.

"Where are going?" Louis asked and Harry simply said, "you'll see, and don't be late," he started walking to the left of the parking lot and Louis asked him where he's going.

"Don't wanna miss my bus!" He yelled and waved to Louis.

"I can drive you home!" Louis yelled after him but Harry was long gone. He just stood there and smiled at the wonder that was Harry Styles.


"So what is this place?" Louis asked as they stepped out the car.

"Kinda like my secret safe place," Harry said and grabbed the blanket and snacks he brought into the empty field. "Guess it's not so secret now," he laughed.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone," Louis followed Harry. He laid the blanket on the grass and sat down and patted the place next to him for Louis to sit. "I like it here, it's quiet," Louis said.

"I like it too. That's why I come here," Harry giggled and that made Louis smile. "Let's get to know each other,"

"Okay, what do you wanna know?" Louis asked while opening a bag of chips.

"Anything. Just tell me about you,"

"Okay I'm Louis, I'm seventeen, turning eighteen this year," he started. "I used to live in London but recently moved here because my mom got a better job offer here. I wanna be an actor. I actually auditioned for a movie recently when I was in London and got a callback but haven't heard from them since but let's hope they do call,"

"Wait you auditioned for an actual movie?" Harry asked and Louis nodded. "No way! Louis that's amazing," Harry said and Louis shrugged.

"They're supposed to call me and soon and tell me if I got the part soon but I don't wanna get my hopes up," he said with a frown and Harry shook his head.

"Don't be so pessimistic Lou, I'm sure you're gonna get the part," Harry said not even realizing the nickname he gave Louis but he did and smiled.

"Thanks, Harry," Louis smiled and entertained his hands with Harry's. They just sat there in comfortable silence and stared at the stars.

"So what will happen if you do get the part?" Harry asked after a while. 

Louis slightly shrugged. "I don't know to be honest. I know shooting is in LA so I'll probably have to move there. My aunt and uncle wants me to stay with them if I do end up going there so that's good," 

"So you're gonna move?" Harry asked, a little disapointed. 

"Only if I get the part," Louis said with a small smile. 

"I hope you get the part. I'll miss you but I hope all your dreams come true Lou,"

"Yeah me too..." Louis said while looking at the curly haired boy sitting next to him with a big dopey grin on his face. Little did he know that he was also his dream. 

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